TINUBUnomics 101: Fighting Inflation with Inflationary Policies -Ik Muo, PhD.


The native doctor preparing an eye ointment does not use pepper as  one of the raw materials! ( Ik Muo{2017}, Proverbs: The words of our elders; Gratias Publishers, Ijebu-Ode)

 I wish to  confess once more that I am an ancient economist, having graduated from the best Department of Economics in Africa (University of Ibadan) in 1980. Since then, a lot has happened to economics and economists and the environment has gone mad. However I still remember the fundamentals as taught by Profs Edozien,  Phillips, Mbanefo, and  Drs Iwayemi , Ohiorenua, Olopoenia , Usoro et al. I still remember because those were the days when students went to school to study while teachers  had the capacity and willingness  to teach.  I still remember that whenever  we were in the various classrooms and libraries reading,( at times up to 12midnight), the lecturers were also in their various offices reading, preparing for lectures and publications. The publish or perish credo did not start today, except that the environment has undergone such transitions, that it has become difficult to publish  while at times, people publish and still ‘perish’. Anyway, let’s leave the good old days and talk about today, even though  old and the new are related.

 Now, the proverbed that prefaced this intervention warns that it is foolhardy for the native doctor to include pepper in his eye-ointment mixtures. The same thing that  English people refer as pouring patrol on a raging inferno or adding assault ( abi na salt?)to injury. Well, that is what this government has been doing since 29/5/23, when  our dear BAT was seized by ‘courage  from  above’ to announce in a cavalier  manner that  ‘ fuel subsidy is gone’. The  courageous announcement must have been  facilitated from above or else, the announcer, revelling in his snatch and run ‘victory’, should have given some thoughts to the local dynamics  on  ground. However, he lacked the courage to  banish other subsidies like 100-vehicle convoy, cars of N100m+ for the ‘legislooters’ and   contingent of hundreds, including Nollywood celebrities, to the climate conference.  Anyway, price of fuel jumped from around N200 to N 750 today though it is around N600 in Lagos; a rise of 200-300%.

The main issue however is that the courageous announcement pushed the prices of everything ( including body-no-be-wood) to the rooftops starting with transportation. A trip from Lagos to Onitsha that was N10000-N15000  now averages N25000 and Igbo-Ukwu to Onitsha now costs N1000+ as against N200 before the economic sun set at noon. I have just been told that a trailer load from the North to Lagos now lands at the cost of  N2400000!! And that is why inflation is around 35% while food inflation is 40%. Of course, when the Monetary Policy Committee of the CBN increased the MPR to 24.57, it stated  that the propelling force was the ‘continued rise in headline inflation  driven largely by food prices because of supply shortages and HIGH cost of  logistics and transportation’. So, the inflation, which  the CBN is battling with is caused and sustained by the policies of the same government !

By the way, fuel subsidy is back at about N1trn monthly and oil theft is going on like no man’s business. I also bet that  the  fuel subsidy fraud is still is still raging because na dem-dem. If not why do our people always set oil-smuggling vessels  afire  if not to destroy evidences? It was also reported the other day that the NNPC has a backlog of $3bn on subsidy payment, which it is redeeming sluggishly. In effect, we are neither here nor there with respect to this fuel subsidy monkey business but it has fouled the inflationary terrain.

The same strange courage let to the FLOATING of the naira a few days later and consequently it  was depreciated to the tune of 98%in the first 6 months (  as declared by PWC) and a percentage that was difficult to measure in the subsequent 3 months, when 1$ exchanged for almost N2000! As this was happening, the rate of exchange for  clearance of goods also went mad, increasing from N758 to N1356 within a space of 3 months. It has just been announced with glee that Customs  revenue increased by  122% in Q124. Good. But this is not because of increased efficiency and effectiveness or lower  revenue sharing formular with rogue importers and smugglers; it is because the government courageously more than tripled the operative rate.  Buyers and sellers were thrown into a quandary as it was impossible for people to replace the items they had sold at a profit. A young man who sold his wares with profit at N700000 was asked to pay N1m to replace the same quantity of items. He closed his shop out of desperation and confusion.

Anyway, the madness in the forex market is abating.  On 8/4/234. The CBN sold Dollars to BDCs at N1101/$ but many analysts swear by the  grave of their great-great-grandfathers that the appreciation of the naira is artificial. It has also been reported that our reserves have been repleted to the tune of $2.16bn  in the from March 18($34.45bn) to April 15( $32.29bn) and that the  Naira defence has also cost the CBN N1trn in interest  on TBs  in the first quarter  of 2024. That is why it has been argued that the Naira appreciation is ‘inorganic and fertilised by ‘anabolic steroids’.  Funny enough, when the Naira continues rebounding, prices  of all items still remain high! But as we celebrate the rebounding of the Naira, we should do well to remember where we were before the enthronement of BATiocracy(circa, N450/N750). When the government, which is abolishing all subsidies, uses subsidy, further borrowing and propaganda to defend the naira, you can easily predict the outcome!

Some BAT-apostles  have argued that the strengthening of the Naira is genuine and caused by increased oil production, warehousing of oil receipts with the CBN( where saints hold sway) and revocation of 4173 ‘shady’ BDC licenses. They also argue that the depletion of reserves was not  in defence of Naira but due to the settlement of outstanding debts to airlines… and this is when the Airlines have asked the FGN to provide evidence that it has settled their outstandings. But  Blomberg Africa has just declared that there is a significant and positive relationship between the strengthening of the naira and the depletion of our reserves, saying the rate of depletion has not been seen in the past 4 years!  I also have an alternative fact  that crude oil production is down to 1.3mBPD and that we have 30 cargoes unsold even as Dangote depends on imported oil. And this is as Goldman Sachs has announced the  Naira as the best performing currency in April 2024. Well, time will tell because as our people say, you cannot conceal pregnancy for long

And just the other day, the Government increased the price of electricity by 300% ( from N66 to N225 per KwH)for Band A customers, about 90% of whom  do not receive  the promised 20hrs+ of electricity daily. The Minister announced the extant subsidy regime as unsustainable and justified same by saying that  Nigerians  waste  electricity because it is cheap, which is why people just switch on their fridges and freezers ad-infinitum.  Probably, he learnt from OBJ who increased fuel prices because  husband and wife would use separate cars and be  just driving about voo-voo-voo!  He has however  apologised for ridiculing Nigerians

 Meanwhile, massive BANDisation continues. Eko Electricity Distribution has just upgraded 33 additional feeders to Band A. It is all about squeezing more revenue out of the helpless consumers because as at last week,  about 95% of them did not receive the promised 20 hour light while 20% of the BandA customers do not even have meters; they are still subjected to the criminal  estimated billing thievery.  The DISCOs complained that technical glitches( this word again) prevented them from meeting their power-supply obligations but such glitches do not prevent them from  exploiting and extorting their customers. In practical terms. N10,000 that used to buy  136 units  can now only afford 41 units and an employee earning N30000 ( which some governors refused to pay) will spend N33000 on power.  How do we even separate the people into various bands where people of different socioeconomic characteristics live in the same vicinity? In  my neighbourhood at Lagos, Ijebuode and Igbo-Ukwu, there are people who can conveniently afford 1000/KwH but there are also those who cannot pay N1/KwH! And what is the justification of a policy, which  prioritises power supply to the big men while  dumping the small men into the dark ages? Why not increase the overall power supply? The Minister has announced that as Naira appreciates further, the tariff would be reduced and that about N1.5trn would be saved by what Chidi Amuta  and Anselem Odinkalu termed  tax on darkness  and regressive taxation on the poor respectively.

 Well, we have seen how the removal of  fuel subsidy worked and surely, this one will NOT be different. But this mindset is what my people call ogbalu ulu agbahu oghom(he who counts the gains without considering the costs). This policy will surely worsen the rate of inflation and, increase the economic and social distress for some.  As I write this(15/4/22) power generation nosedived to 2775 mw from 4099; ( 32%dip) while  we suffered a total system collapsed, 2.41am. Again, this is another season of  global darkness for Nigerians who are paying more for DARKNESS. A video just resurfaced where  Tinubu, as an APC candidate, promised us adequate electricity devoid of estimated billing during the campaigns. He also asked us not to vote him for the second term if he did not keep this promise. But how can we punish him electorally for providing darkness when  Akpabio has already assured him that he would coast home to victory for a second term in 2027. This is somebody who has not spent up to a year in office; who has not yet mastered the domestic geography of Aso Rock!

The government also explained that  this hike ONLY affects the Band-A customers and that the others should not complain. Somebody made a mess of this argument when he or she posited that:’ If Cadbury is in Band A and they enjoy 300% tariff hike, the price of Bournvita will go up and those in Band Z where there are no  transformers will buy at that new prize. If this happens, they are the ones paying the 300%. if they cant buy at the new rate, Cadbury would close down, which will lead to unemployment and insecurity and the money made through regressive taxation of the poor would not be enough’. And the countries we are aspiring to be like are spending heavily on energy subsidy. In the US, it jumped from $7.4bn in 2016 to $15.6 in 2022; China $2.2trn as at 2022 while Italy approved $ 5.4bn to soften energy costs on 3/3/23.

Chidi Amuta was miffed by the timing and method of the tariff-hike announcement when he put it thus: To greet Nigerians for the sacrifice of lent and the rugged self-denial of Ramadan, the government  casually announced a stratospheric increase in electricity tariffs. There was no dress-rehearsal. No previous warning. No enlightenment to psychologically prepare the populace for  yet another unplanned tax. It was announced in a typical military ambush fashion. The new tax on electricity would seem to come from the same package as the earlier petroleum subsidy and currency devaluation. No feelings. No compassion. No regard for those who( would bear the burden). And incidentally, these triple-barrelled courage-driven  policies are the focus of this intervention, especially as they were  announced like-play, like-play( despite their obvious weighty potentials) and  have wrecked havoc on the inflationary ‘ecosystem’

Some people (I no dey among) have argued that the tariff hike was  to extend a life-line to the DISCOs who have forced us to dance disco  with darkness. One  FS Yusuf, a mischievous, ‘tribalistic’ fellow,  and a member of  ABV( Anti BAT Vanguard) has advised APCians to  scan their APC membership card  number onto the payment platform and they will be  automatically switched on  to band zero( free electricity or  rather free darkness as the case may be).  

My friend Dr Agu Onwuzuruoha has described the policy as an exemplification of ‘Pie in the Sky Economics’, which is purely illusory . He also accused the BATified policy makers of running a ‘gung-ho economics’(wetin  be this one?) and ignoring the law of unintended consequences, which turns economics into drama. The Minister of Power has also hinted that the 300% hike would be extended to others because this one is just a  test-run. By the way,  a father asked his intending in-law  to prove his ability to maintain the daughter and he replied: ‘I am in Band A!

 Last 2 weeks, the CBN increased its MPR by 200 basis points to 24.75%. The argument is that it tightens the money supply and thus minimises the flow of cash and gives a dirty-eye to inflation. This textbook economics prescription also  offers a one-sided perspective. As someone has argued, what we suffer from is not inflation or stagflation but  ‘greedflation’. And thus, basic economic policies, which might work in sane climes, hardly work in Nigeria. Strange ones like the last currency recolouration, when people were buying Naira in the open market, might work. However, increasing the MPR  to 24.75% will  not just reduce the cash in circulation; it will also increase the cost of production, which will be surely passed on to the rest of the society and this is a recipe for inflation. Furthermore, even when it reduces the cash in circulation, it will also reduce the ability of businesses to thrive and this will adversely affect employment and economic growth. As I write, there are reports that banks have started  ‘advising’ their customers of their new improved interest rates, following the hike in MPR by the CBN

 Under TINUBUNOMICS 101, you have a situation in which electricity tariff  per month is N175000, with N100000 for fuel( for just  one car), cooking gas at N30,000( two cylinders), fees at federal government colleges at N100,000 but minimum wage is 30,000, which many governors  have refused to pay. And then we have taxes upon taxes upon taxes in an environment where businesses are struggling and there is a migration of many into the poverty band.  Referring to the sayings of our elders with which I prefaced this intervention, I ask again: how can somebody preparing eye ointment include pepper as one of the ingredients? How do we quench an inferno with fuel?   As  a townsman and friend will always say… I come in Peace! Those drawing the list of members of ABV( Anti BAT Vanguard)  and emergency tribalists, should please  count me out. And the government is proposing a toll fee of 3000 (per gate?) on the contentious Calabar-Lagos coastal highway, which was awarded without competitive bidding and to a company which has incestuous relationship with Oga at the very top. Anyway, the people will ultimately bear the brunt  When will the poor breath?

Todays realities

 Meanwhile, there is need for a special economics framework for Nigeria. The banks exist to serve other sectors  of the economy. But while the  real ‘real sector’ is comatose, reporting unimaginable losses, with shareholders fund being wiped off, the banks are making Guinness World Record profits. Zenith Bank has just declared N796bn Profit Before Tax, UBA, N757bnPBT and GTCO609N PBT. Is it a reflection of the Nigerian reality where agberos like MC Oluomo are bigger than transporters( vehicle owners) or where   our servants in the NASS are bigger than some states? I just asked an innocent question


 As for those who feel non-pulsed because the hole through which water entered the boat is not at their end… I have NO comments.

  The Eagle has Landed.

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Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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