Mmesoma: Let those without sins cast the first stones! - Ik Muo, PhD.


They caught a woman in ‘the very act of adultery’(probably  ‘self-adultery’ because no man was co-arraigned with her or  she used an ancient vibrator ), marched the unlucky lady before Jesus and sought a validation for the punishment:  execution by stoning. They all had various shapes and sizes of stones ready. As they continued pressing  Jesus to ‘say something’ , he threw the bombshell: ‘He without sin should  cast the first stone’.  There was dead silence and that was where the matter ended as the bloodthirsty mob dropped their stones and stealthily sneaked away, with their heads bowed… starting from the eldest!( John,8:3-11)

 I was indescribably shocked when Mmesoma admitted that she forged her JAMB result. She had been a brilliant student as her secondary entrance result and even her original score of 249 showed. She looked so innocent and she boldly defended herself. Even after the statement by JAMB, I still believed that something must have gone wrong somewhere but definitely not that the harmless village-girl I saw had manipulated her Jamb result. Who or what pushed her? She was even reported to have gone to protest her non-recognition by JAMB! But that is over; she had admitted by herself and with her own mouth. Of course, forging JAMB result is like defrauding a bank: you must be found out, today or tomorrow.

 And then, a flurry of several rapid responses and reactions. JAMB confirmed the  manipulation and imposed its sanction within 48 hours or so. Anambra Sate Government set up a committee, which turned in its findings within 24 hours.Osita  Chidoka gave all the reasons why the 300+ score could not have been genuine, agreeing with JAMB and exonerating his examination center. And many of us joined the latest   version of the crowd that voted for  Barabas ( Mt,27:17)except that in this case they bayed  for the blood of the guilty: ‘crucify  her;  give us her head on a platter;  no mercy for the criminal. That serves her right; she asked for it’! These were/are people who were dumb and numb over the  conscious and  wicked pulverization  of we the people in the past few weeks. Probably, it was an opportunity for them to let off steam  

And then I remembered Jonathan Swift, (1667-1745)an Irish satirist, essayist and political pamphleteer, who made the simple but weighty statement that  ‘laws are like  cobwebs, which may catch small flies but let wasps and hornets break through’! Mmesoma is ‘in’ because she is a nobody.  A sneaky snake swallowed N36m in a  JAMB office. It took  at least  2 days to suspend the staff who consorted with the snake  and it took more than a year to arraign her criminal gang. Up to this day of our Lord, the son of man is not sure that the matter had been  brought to a closure! Mbah allegedly forged his NYSC certificate, went on to sue the NYSC Director General, (claiming  N20bn)  for the audacity to say so,  procured a fake DSS  operative to ratify his malfeasance and is now His Excellency, given executive orders in Enugu State. Somebody described what happened at the Tribunal  at Enugu as the case of a thief  defending another thief. Ganduje (I forgot that his baptismal name), was caught ‘in the very act’ of collecting  Dollarised kick-forward. He said ‘it wasn’t me’ and when the Kano anti-Graft Agency  came after him, he ran to the court and procured an order  “Restraining the Respondents whether  by themselves or acting through their officers, men, operatives, agents, or any persons or group of persons howsoever described from harassing, intimidating,  detaining the Applicant or his children or any member of his family or any appointee who served under the administration of the Applicant( and even his friends). The Adamawa REC, Hudu Yinusa-Ari, did  a weird version of what they did at INEC HQ and when the law reluctantly went for him, he went to court to obtain a restraining order. PMBs certificate matter is still blowing in the wind and that of BAT is neither here nor there and so it is with many ‘excellencies’ across the land. The National Assembly is perhaps the largest single assembly of thieves or ‘former thieves’, EFCC alumni and ICPC customers in Nigeria. But Life goes on, because they are all honourable men!( Julius Caeser,III:2)

 As my  online friend Agu Onwuzuruoha  esoterically puts it ‘Mmesomagate is a testimony to mischievous ostracism in the land and the same people who are poking the mote in Mmesoma’s eyes  refuse to point at  the logs in the eyes of Petermen who are now in control of  the Presidency and National Assembly. In this season of manufactured Isaiahnism … Some people are leaving it up in economic esoterica digging their heads deeper in the sand of obfuscation… we cannot afford to be selective in our morality (You can contact me for the  special dictionary to decode Agu’s vocabulary). The one and only Charly-Boy the only grandfather who proudly  answers a boy is rightly of the view that  “She learned work from leaders that believed that forgery is good plus those who never found their WAEC results till date. Am sure she was in dis Naija as INEC was manipulating Nigeria electoral process. His views are similar to those of Osahon George who regretted that ‘criminals who are supposed to be behind bars are always celebrated in Nigeria,.. the Picaros, illiterates, drug lords, fraudsters, and other non-state actors wielding force, manipulate their way into public offices. The truth of the matter is that Mmesoma is a bonafide product of Nigeria. Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree; She is the proverbial horse at the back which is looking up to the horse in front during a race. Unfortunately for her, the horse in front is vividly a bad example The one in front is just a typical Nigerian politician ( Mmesoma JAMB Result: The Truth of the matter)

 However the ‘case for’ Mmesoma and support for environmental determinism in this unfortunate matter was FORCEFULLY made by someone who wrote for OdogwuBlog, and argued  as follows.’I understand Mmesoma was born in 2004. Within her few years on earth, she has witnessed President Olusegun Obasanjo attempting to change the Constitution and run for a third term in office. She saw Umar Yar'Adua ascend to the presidency via an election which he himself admitted was "seriously flawed." She saw Muhammadu Buhari become president with a school certificate that was said to be with the Army Secretary. When the latter denied custody or knowledge of the certificate, a fresh one was issued retrospectively and disputed every step of the way. Mmesoma also saw Hope Uzodimma become Imo State Governor via a Supreme Court judgment that even the neighborhood dog knows was dubiously procured. She saw Ahmed Lawan return to the Senate with a party ticket which he did not contest for because he was away gunning for a higher office. Mmesoma saw Godswill Akpabio become Senate President even whilst still dodging court summons and the anti graft agency, EFCC.…Above all, I think, the young lady has been a living witness to how Bola Tinubu became president with everything from his name and age to his schools, qualifications and election results in hot dispute’ So, it is probably true to say that Mmesoma and other Nigerians her age were born into a nation and an era where falsification and alternative reality are norms that are highly rewarded. It is not a mere coincidence, that Mmesoma happened to us in the same year that forgery ascended the highest offices in the land. The Universe is showing us in living color the power of examples - good or ill-and what lies ahead if we uphold or tolerate the grand forgeries that were foisted upon us between February 25 and March 18. If we condemn and punish forgery by a teenager, can we condone and permit forgery by her adult parents and grandparents - especially in positions of public authority? If we condemn and punish forgery by a teenager, can we condone and permit forgery by her adult parents and grandparents - especially in positions of public authority? The choice is ours.( MMesoma as the mirror before us)

In June 2022, the Buhari Media Organisation stated that the great  PMB had  identified and weeded out 24000 federal works with kurukere certificates; about 25% of our workers! Some of them were even making policies for us. Who employed them without verifying their certificates? Who investigated  this massive fraud and how were they punished and by whom?  Did anybody raise eyebrows? Just the other day(25/7/23), Yemi Esan,  Head of Service of the federation announced that  1617  federal staff were caught with fake employment letters. Did anybody raise eyebrows? It was not even an issue in the social media. Before then, some people were  caught milking our common-purse through the decadent IPPIS system. Did we raise eyebrows?  Was it a subject of intense debate?   On 30/10/19,  I wrote a widely read article titled  ‘Sexually Transmitted Degrees: WE are all guilty!’( On this Meesomagate and the general climate of Mmesomania I still repeat: we are ALL guilty!


 A good number of Nigerians had pushed that she should  bear the full weight of the law. However,  my beloved, Ada Muo( PhD), does not agree that Mmesoma should be sanctioned because  ‘That will not be Nigerian at all’!  Her opinion, which is ‘realistically different and typically Nigerian follows hereunder. Read on!

For making such unusual waves, all of us should line up and go to Mmeso's house to congratulate her, the same way BAT has been congratulated even by other countries. Nothing less than a convoy of at least a hundred and twenty most expensive non-Nigerian SUVs should be employed to make that visit as memorable as possible. The young girl deserves it.  She is as smart as her president.  She is very sharp!

For achieving such feat, the federal government should give her a first grade national merit award for being so clever. It should be nothing less than that type Buhari gave BAT before vacating Aso Rock.  In addition, all those  award-winning very  honourable senators, especially Akpabio, should formally adopt her. Her DNA matches theirs perfectly. The girl is cast in the image and likeness of our political leaders and so should be the child in whom they are well pleased.

For her very daring spirit,  the 3 million Naira scholarship must not be taken away from her. It a well-deserved compensation for hard work. Has anybody taken away the office of the  president of Nigeria from BAT even when it is obvious to the blind that he "snatched and grabbed" it? How can anybody now suggest that Mmesoma's reward for snatching and  grabbing common UTME score should be recovered from her. Answer me. Is it fair? 

For cleverly retouching her JAMB score, INEC should give her a scholarship and employ her once she graduates. That singular and audacious exploit  shows that tomorrow she can sit on the same chair our qouta-professor INEC Chairman is occupying today. As a young Nigerian, she has demonstrated the character capacity and competence to serve in very  sensitive and independent institutions like INEC.

 For changing her scores and making that video where she chanted her innocence in a very charming voice, she must be persuaded to join the Youth Wing of APC and become their principal spokesperson. To upgrade from Ordinary Level (OL) to Advanced Level (AL), the star girl should enrol for a three months intensive lectures which must be facilitated by tested and proven APC  orators like Festus  and Lai. After all, elders are role models to the young and these are Nigeria's most objective and honest political office holders. 

For what Mmesoma did, all of us need  to go to Chukwuemeka Ike's grave and tell him that our children are no longer coming, they have come. We will not also forget to tell him that the  framework she adopted is the same one that has effectively served our irrepressibly and irredeemably corrupt political leaders for so long. Let us not forget the Igbo adage that says that a child sent to robbery by his father uses his feet to break the door. We should tell Chukwuemeka Ike to tell his fellow ancestors that what we ordered as a country, by our active participation in, and endorsement, of fraud and forgery, has been delivered, and it landed at our door steps in good shape. These are  my humble and simple suggestions. If you don't agree with me, you know what to do. If you don't, I will tell you… Go to court!

 The above 6 paragraphs are Ada Muo’s ‘revolutionary’ views of the matter and she has dared any person with contrary spirit to go to COURT. In a place where ‘they’  ‘turn justice into wormwood and throw uprightness to the ground’ instead of letting ‘justice flow like waters and uprightness like a never-ending stream’(Amos,5: 7&24), is it really just and proper to upbraid Mmesoma? After all ‘the society prepares the crime and the criminal commits it!( Henry T Buckle) and  ‘whenever crime is not punished speedily, people  feel it is safe to  do wrong’( Ecclesiastes, 8:11) Mmesoma is in a mess because she cannot afford a SAN! She does not even need a SAN; even a small boy lawyer could have marched the break  on the indecent  haste with which the matter was handled. I also dare say that Mmesoma is honourable and there is more hope in her than in the scoundrels masquerading as our role-models.  At least, she agreed that she ‘committed’, apologised and threw in the towel. The elders will not accept, apologise or throw in the towel even  if caught on camera,( Gandollar) with documented evidence( Mbah) or certified by  local and foreign courts( BAT et al).  I am not unaware of the declaration of   Adam Smith  who lived in  the age of innocence that mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocence. However, the Biblical story  that prefaced this article did not stop with the shameful disappearance of the male  mobocrats. Jesus also told the woman to ‘go and sin no more’.  He condemned the sin but not the sinner. The same advise I have for Mmesoma.  I also note that Mmesoma’s case will not die quickly because of the several words and phrases  that have sprouted from the matter mmesomaism; mmesomaistic, mmesomania, mmesomagate and still counting.


I ‘case my rest’ but not without  congratulating another daughter of Anambra, Nkechi Umeh,  in whom there is no deceit( John,1:47), who came out unquestioningly tops in the same very exam! The offence for which I would not have forgiven Mmesoma is if she succeeded in  supplanting this  brilliant chap as the topmost JAMBist for 2023. Mmesoma Messed up  the Anambra brand but Nkechi cleaned up the mess.


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 Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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