Seun Kuti: When the man bites a dog &… I have HAMMERED!!! - Ik Muo, PhD.


Today,  I am in the NTA-mood! The NTA-mood is the situation in which Nigeria would be  on  fulltime fire but NTA would be showing some  videos or  documentaries  that  indicate peace, calmness and nomalcy.  Thus, in a situation in where  Zangon Kataf and   Benue/Plateau  are  under siege by the untoachables and  another set of untouchables is ‘arsoning’  Alaba market  or the  Nigerian Aiarforce is straffing the Orlu axis  to get at some allagedly unknown fellows, NTA will be showing the fishing festival at Argungun or one generals son marrying a princess or Abriba war-dance or  even tales by the moonlight-at noon!. That is the mood I am in today.

 I am aware that on  Sunday 28/5/23, Buhari left Aso Rock where he was supposed to have lived for the past 8 years (you know his was in London  hospital or on air for a large chunk of time), and thus ended his monumentally clueless regime. I am aware that he was caught by the ‘last minute bug’ and so, he was appointing, awarding, unveiling (including the  new improved State House Clinic that cost about $46m  at official rate) and borrowing until 12 midnight of that last day. I remember that he started his tenure with ear wahala and ended with teeth wahala, (both treated in London); that he declared that he got what he wanted ( it was all about him) and that  he   awarded himself A+!   I am aware that he has returned to his cows, which are more  OBIdient  than strong-head Nigerians. You want me to review his tenure? I am not in that spirit today  but Olu Fasan, Shehu Sani, Osita Chidoka,  Fr Emeka Nwosu, InterSoc and  Moses Oludele Idowu have done  good  immediate-term post-tenure analysis.   I will also enclose one of those VERIFIable charts flying all over the place.

I am aware that the BAT himself has taken over, with all the question marks and baggage. He agrees with PMB, IGP & INEC that the 2023 elections were the fairest ever, acknowledged the right of the wailers to ‘go to court’ and assured that he would govern, dialogue,  mend, heal and  accommodate those with contrary spirits. The wife has assured us that they are too wealthy  and thus would not need our money.  She says the truth; after all BAT himself had declared that  Osun State budget was petty cash to him.  However, the question of how this wealth came about is still blowing in the wind.  I am also aware that a new office has been created at Aso Rock, FD_FRN( First Daughter of the Federal Republic of Nigeria). This is not surprising because there is a First Dog in the white house!  BAT has appointed Dele Alake as his spokesperson; the one who decried the genocide in Rwanda but unrepentantly made some wicked ‘Rwandaish’ statements just the other day. How BAT will govern  inclusively with a divisive-tongued man as his spokesperson is one of the wonders that would unfold.  And what if Abuja indigenes ask Alake to go back to Ijebuode, whence he came from?  El-Rufai, the short giant of  Kaduna, whose greatest quality is ‘pharaseesm’ and the wicked Wike, who is only happy when others are sad, are now former governors. I am aware that BAT has removed fuel subsidy or he is implementing the de-subsidisation  agenda as already announced by the man from Daura and/or  Niger Republic. I am aware that he recanted or clarified the statement( but NNPC reaffirmed it) and that fuel prices have run riots across the land with Abakaliki wining the gold medal at N1200/Litre.  However, I have not gone to any fuel-station because  I have to be mentally, physically and ‘pocketly’ ready to absorb the shock. I am aware of all those things but being in an NTA mood and mode, I have decided to write on the newsiness of a man biting the dog as Seun Kuti has just done!

Strategies for surviving the new order!

Those who trade in news , have said ages ago that there is no news in a dog biting a man because that is what dogs are wired to do and that is what they have always done. Thus, a report that a dog has bitten another  human being will yield a reaction like, before nko!( what do you expect; or and so what?). But whenever a man bites the dog, it becomes a news-worthy news because it is unusual and the person (and the medium) that broke the news receives multiple thumbs ups.    The tendency of men in uniform  to brutalise  guilty and even innocent Nigerians was brought to the fore by the ENDSARSers. However, even since then, the malaise continues and if you scan the news as you are reading this, you will see several reported evidences.   On that day, at 3rd Mainland Bridge, the reverse happened; Seun Kuti slapped a policeman in uniform and whose gun was within reach. The mystery in the matter is that Seun’s head is still on his shoulders! The Guinness Book of Records, after they have finished documenting the exploits of the cooking Baci and the  Vincent Okezie, the football-juggling  wizard, should hurry up to record this Seun-Police Slap incident, especially the fact that he is alive to tell the tale.  Sometimes ago at Osumenyi, in Nnewi LGA of Anambra State, a Reverend Father who was always telling the bereaved not to mourn like those without hope (1 Thes,4:13), lost his mother. He wept and wept and wept!  It was then the turn of the people to advise him not to mourn like people without hope  to which he  replied with more tears ‘ that is my mother lying down there’! The policeman tasted a dose of his own medicine and assuredly, it was not funny!

 Seun claimed that the police officer wanted to commit a mass-murder of his entire family that day, that the policeman followed him to his house where they talked things over, and he( Seun ) agreed not to place charges and that he gave the ‘slapee’ N12000  for vehicle repairs. When the directive for his arrest was given ( I don’t know why should policemen should wait to be ordered to do what they should do) he turned himself in, was put in a cell where he stayed on a cold hard-floor( that was after the  baptism of fire by the inmates who eventually crowned him the GO, with the Bible as his instrument of office). The police authorities reported that the policeman who followed him to his house to receive N12k and probably wrote his own statement, was in coma, sought an extended detention of Kuti, sought his blood and searched his house, all for a slap on third mainland bridge. 

Policeman in coma; engagements scattered

Those who are surprised at the turn of events have probably not encountered the hardworking and friendly Nigerian police officers. In 1983(40 years ago), the police at Okigwe-Aguata route accosted me for having an ‘irregular’ plate-number. That was in those days when you collected the number and contracted a nearby road-side artist to do the plate for you. I asked him, with all sincerity, to show me what was a regular plate number so that I could remedy the irregularity of mine.  I was not in a hurry that day and so, I relaxed and we discussed a lot of things including my background,  my destination, how schooling was at Ibadan was(he saw the UI sticker on my car) ,why I took that route instead of the normal Enugu-Awka axis. After what I thought was a friendly discussion I made to leave but the man conscripted my plate-number as an exhibit and asked me to appear at  Okigwe police station the following Monday.  As a law abiding Nigerian, I reported at the police station on Monday (all the way from Enugu) but I nearly fainted when I heard the number, diversity and weight of the charges against me, which included every offence in the book. I was  actually looking behind me to see if there was somebody else they were talking about!  If it had been today, they would have charged me with IPOBism!  I walked out a free man because I was a bank manager and I went with the manager of our Okigwe branch who was known very well to them. I don’t need to tell you that I still continued with the plate number because even at the station, they could not tell me what  was irregular about my plate number. So, for me, the charges and all efforts to ‘draw blood’ from Seun were not surprising.

 Seun said he   did not commit any offence (and the sister  Motunrayo agreed with him), that he had been police-slapping before (everyday fir the thief…) because he knew who he  was;   a free-Seun group emerged, Sowore accused  the police of trying to continue with the war with Fela by other means, some youths saw the case as an extension of the end-SARS war and then, he was granted bail!

Seun was  FULLY wrong to have slapped the  policeman( or any other person for that matter)  even if the policeman had ‘committed’ against him;  he should  not  resort to self-help. He is still telling the story with his own mouth because he is Seun Kuti. If my son had slapped a policeman, we would not have retrieved the corpse and the whole family would have been arrested and asked to bail themselves. Our offence? We did not teach him that slapping a policeman was illegal!

 There is something I read in Things Fall apart in 1973: everything is possible but not everything is expedient. I think it was in chapter 21 of the African Writes Series edition. It was just the other (21/5/23) that Martins Oloja reminded me that the statement is also in the Bible: Everythig is permissible but not everything does good; not everything builds people up (1 Cor, 10:23). In effect, it is  it is not everything that you can do that you should do. I can move around the streets without a shirt. But shoud I do that? Of what benefit? Seun can slap a policeman and he indeed slapped a policeman but  but shoul he?  I hope he does  cost-benefit analysis of that one-minute madness( including non-monetary elements) and I hope he will not ordinarily slap a policemen or any other person for that matter again. They have said that freedom of speech is guaranteed but that freedom after speech may not be guaranteed. As a corolary, you have the freedom to act but you may not enjoy that freedom after acting! In those days when I was in  and of the world, Kenny Rogers, Don Williams, Bob Marley,  Lucky Dube( woe betide those who murdered him) and even the good old Fela, were my favourites. As I wite this, I remembered Kenny Rogers, ‘Coward of the County’ and the line that said: ‘you don’t have to fight to be a man( though you may need to fight when you become a man)! Seun did not need to slap that policeman to  to show that he is a man.

 Meanwhile, it appears that our policemen have become endangered species. Just a week before the Seun-Slap incidence, a young lady, Olufumilayo Brioluwa boldly and opendentially assaulted a police officer  in the Ogombo area of Ajah, Lagos State. She is not as lucky as Seun because she was remanded at the Kirikiri prison, sorry, correctional facility, untill June 6 when the matter would come up for hearing.  I know that by now she will be regretting and wondering the type of evil spirit that pushed her into that one-minute madness.

Seun should not have slapped the policeman. But the police, having tested what it looks like, should repent of their brutality against we the people. They also have to redeem their joint and several image. A situation in which a small girl would just tie-up a police man in the public is becoming unbecoming; it shows the extent to which our police officers have degraded and devalued themselves.

Tenant vs dog

Funny enough, the issue of  a man biting the dog has become commonplace of late.  Around the  same time as the Seun-Slap incident, a video was circulating wickedly on the net of a landlord who unleashed his dog on a tennant over a debt of N45k . Unfortunately for the dutiful dog, the tennants had had enough of it and its master because they  jointly BEAT the hell out of the dog and threw it back into the cage! So rather than the dog running the tennants out of the compound, it was the tenants that  brutalised and ran it out of the free space. Just as I don’t think that Seun will slap a police man again, the landlord will NEVER unleash his dog on his tenants again, that is if the dog survived the brutal beating it received that day

 And then… I have Hammered!

 I want to announce officially that I have hammered. You remember that in January last year, I wrote on how I would hammer in 2022, which involved   joining the pastoring and masquerading industries, auctioning of vintage homes and joining the SARS( State Aided Robbery Squad). In January this year, I declared that I must make money and trend through being a delegate, an influencer, a cross-dresser, a skit maker and a content creator and engaging in  prophetpreneureship. In all these, I avoided  formal paid-employments.  Now I have realized that all paid employments are not equal; that was  when I learnt that the Secretary General of Nigerian Football Federation, one Alhaji Sanusi, earns $10,000 monthly, basic! (Mathematical Segun Odegbami; $10k for the secretary, Guardian, 20/5/23, p30).  At the Professorial cadre, that is about two years salary, with and with.  If I had that type of job, I would have hammered since! I have also just found another lucrative engagement; goat-theft. This was after the police arrested two young men with 15 stollen goats from Osogbo, Ikirun, Obagun, Iree, Eripa, Otan-Ayegbaju and Ila communities in Osun State. How do I know it was very lucrative? They were conveying the goats to Lagos in a Lexus SUV! They could not have afforded that type of executive ride if the business were not lucrative

 Executhief goat-thieves;      The VRRIFIable  evidence!

Anyway, I am glad to announce that I have hammered, even though it took more time than I anticipated and from  and unexpected source. The most important thing is that  FINALLY, I have hammered and consequently, I will trend.   At that time when Nigerian banks were  being SOLUDOnised, I  lost one of my accounts. There were mergers and counter-mergers and I could not trace the bank that swallowed the original bank. But I did not know that I had such a huge investment in the bank. So, just last week, I received a HEAVY alert for N62858750.45 as interest on term deposit from an account where I had just a current account, and which I abandoned   almost 20 years ago. I won’t disclose the bank in question so that envious  people from my village will not block  the flow of further interests. I also know that they will not read this announcement so that they will not waylay me via remote-control!

Having hammered, my problem now is how to live large and join the  league of big-boys, including those who cruise in the high-seas for their birthdays.  And then, I remember a comment by my brother that once you have money, there will always be people around to advise you on how to spend or squander it. So I am considering many options including relocating to Elon Musk’s hotel at Mars, ordering a tri-dimensional car ( that can ply on  land, sea and air), or  having a  mansion ( the type they say PMB has in Niger Republic) under the sea. You will hear of me soon! 

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 Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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