Rwanda: here we come! - Ik Muo, PhD.


     Rwanda Genocide cenotaph;         Oluomo, the enforcer       Ofordile Stabbed after voting at Ajah

Because the sentence on the evil doer is not carried out on the instant, people’s heart are full of the desire to do wrong; because the sinner does evil 100 times and survives! (Ecclesistes,8:11).

I did not want to ‘go to’ Rwanda this week.  Indeed, since my desire to undertake a tour of Rwanda collapsed due to ‘pocketities’(despite a discount granted by one of my compatriots), the country has been far from my mind. I had wanted to write on the Obi-Effect; how a single, simple, unassuming fellow has, without prior notice, turned our structured and predicable political ecosystem upside down and turned some political heavyweights into paperweights overnight! However, I changed my mind after a brief interaction  with my colleague and  next-door neighbour  at the office, who came in to exchange greetings with  me on 20/3/23. I had told him that all was well, except what is happening to ‘us’ at Lagos. And he said ‘but you people caused it’. To say that I was shocked was an understatement. That meant that since we ‘caused it’, whatever happened thereafter was OK. In effect, good for you!  I recovered from my discomfiture within the twinkling of an eye and asked him how we cause it and he replied, it is said that you people said that Lagos is a no man’s land! I prefaced it with ‘it is said’ because, no onye-Igbo told him so directly; it was what he must have heard in the market square! When he saw the expression of disappointment in my face, he clarified, as an afterthought ‘I am not saying whether what they  are doing is right or wrong’. I told him that he had made his point and I left it at that. Of course, you know very well that the ‘they’ referred to some misguided Yoruba fellows and ‘you people/us’ referred to Nd’Igbo, in Lagos who in this instance refers to anybody who   is a trader, obviously not Yoruba, does not live at Idi-Araba axis of Lagos, and is neither a BATist nor a BATian sympathiser.

In 1966, one thing led to another and a coup engineered by some soldiers, who thought they were doing the country a favour occurred. The putsch, which included co-conspirators from  across the country, and had the objective of crowning the detained   Awo, the Prime Minister, was branded an Igbo-Coup. And suddenly, people who  were initially ecstatic about   the coup, were programmed into violence  by the Northern establishment, (government officials, traditional institutions and those paid to protect the people), which  organised, sponsored and coordinated the gruesome  butchery of Ndi-Igbo in the most cruel and macabre manner ever seen. The definition of Igbos was initially elastic and included everybody beyond Benue State. Undertaken by known soldiers and the usual highly inflammable Hausa mobs, the most conservative estimate of the dead was 60,000. Funny enough, that’s how the current  season of  coordinated lawlessness in Lagos played out: those who should  do something or say something took sides and ‘Igboness’ became an elastic concept.

The Igbos reluctantly left for home but were not allowed to be  because a week-long police action was initiated to force them back, which  dovetailed into the Biafran war of Independence. Eventually it became an ‘ogu-ikpu’( war of all against one) and  turned into the  3 year old civil war in which we lost about 3m people mostly through starvation. We were not accepted and we were not allowed to go!  And since we pretended that nothing happened, nothing was done officially beyond  Gowon’s RRR programe  neither   genuine in intention or sincere in prosecution.  As at today, the government never set up any enquiry; nobody was held accountable and nobody was punished. As my colleague just told me, it was caused by nd’Igbo and they should bear their cross!

24 years after the failed Biafran war of liberation, Rwanda went up in flames. It was the   Hutus( poor, majority) against the Tutsis(  wealth, ruling class, minority); culturally the same people with wealth as the key distinguishing factor. About 800000 Tutsis,(70% of them) moderate Hutus and Twas  were slaughtered in the 100 days of rag!  The world and Rwanda took coordinated steps to  bring a closure to the sad incident,  engaged in a sustained drive to promote  national unity and reconciliation and took steps to prevent its recurrence, including a new flag and an anthem, which refers to  citizens as Rwandans, not Tutsis and Hutus.  The UN established the International  Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda  while the government established  the National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide  It also holds an annual  weekly celebration  themed ‘never again’   involving Walk to Remember, a night vigil and remembrance ceremony . Those responsible, including politicians lawyers, soldiers, journalists and ordinary folks were tried and punished, with a good number receiving death sentences. One of  masterminds, Mr Kabuda, was arrested in June, 2020, 26 years after the event! Compare this with Nigeria where the victims are blamed (as my fried has just done) and nobody ever answered any questions.   I was touched that Rwanda, which had only 800000 deaths, took concrete steps at reconciliation and prevention, and has an annual remembrance for the event but Nigeria which lost more than 3m did nothing.  After reading about this memorial in 2020, I decided to identify my townsmen who died fighting in the war and construct a cenotaph for.  However, the project is in abeyance for now due to some domestic dynamics.

Unfortunately, and with our eyes wide open, we are taking the expressway to Rwanda via unrestrained ethnic profiling and syndicated brigandage against those with ‘contrary spirits’. We all know how the Obi Tsunami of 25/2/23 shook those who thought they had unshakable hold on Lagos politics. Now rather than strategizing on how to win the electoral battle for Lagos, they turned it into a 2023 Igbo-Yoruba war  with the singsong that Igbos were disrespectful and were scheming to take over Lagos. As I explained earlier, every non-BATist  became onye-Igbo.  They forget that people like Joe Igbokwe, who weeps more than the bereaved,  Mazi Idimogu, and one Eze Monday Obijiogu, who holds a dozen  ‘Taiwan’ titles in Lagos, in addition to being  the distinguished Asst Welfare Officer for APC Constituency1 in Mushin, members of the infamous G50 and the various Sanwolu ka anyi ga eso  come-and-chop groups  are unrepentant  APCians. They also forgot that a good number of disgruntled politicians and civil servants, some ‘original’ Lagosians,  several non-Igbos and  Yorubas  voted against  Tinubu. GRV, an original Yoruba-Lagosian, Oworu, who contested against Desmond Eliot (who suddenly remembered that his mother is Igbo) and even Tee Mac, all became Igbos.

Gallant officer protecting these Nd’Igbo

 Of course,  MC Oluomo, the commandant of the BAT warriors, warned those who would not vote APC    to stay indoors on the election Day. You recall that the Oba of Lagos had issued a similar threat before.  Oluomo’s 1001 lieutenants went about Lagos echoing  their masters order. He later said he was joking and the police announced that they were investigating the matter. The chief BATist also made the  condescending statement about people who come into Lagos at age 12  with polythene bags, who were accommodated kindly, and probably spoon-fed and then wanted to bite the fingers that fed them. He had earlier preached that we should grab power  (by all means). The traditional leaders fixed emergency oro festivals, held meetings at night on how to contain the Igbos, and also passed threatening messages. The Baale of Igbara in Etiosa LGA boldly declared that  we are ready to FIGHT the Igbo if they voted against APC. Fight? I thought  elections were won by  votes induced by superior arguments?  

   Nelson,Yemi & Oworu:  won in Taraba, not Yoruba enough.  ID Card for 2027, not tatoos!

And so, on the election day, all real and perceived Igbos, were beaten, broken, prevented from voting and murdered. People who had cohabited peacefully with us suddenly became hateful, bitter and murderous. We were subjected to  coordinated and pre-planned ‘barefooted brutality, repression and existential threats’  Even those who looked like Igbos suffered the same fate… in an electoral contest between 3 Yorubas!  Those who became emergency Igbos included Dr Olawale Ogunlana,  Iyanuoluwa Bolarinwa and Sisi Yemi and her husband; they received the bitter concoction prepared for Nd’Igbo. Thereafter, the BATist mobs descended on areas dominated by the Igbos, burning, maiming, and breaking and unfortunately, supported by policemen who were , clothed, fed, and armed with our money. The people in government and members of the traditional class were also involved. Oluomo is a public servant while at Sabo in Ojo LGA, a  Baale  was not happy at the way his boys were doing it and he personally scattered the ballot box and voting materials. Oba Afeez ofIbasa Riverline, bluntly  declared that ‘Igbo people are no longer allowed to participate in the electoral process in Lagos State and supervised the brutalisation of Eze Mozie who insisted on casting his vote. Incidentally, Mozie was the only one arrested by our hard-working and neutral policemen and was eventually granted bail on the sum of N50,000000!  Nothing had been heard about all those who assaulted him.  Sure, what happened on 18/3/23 in Lagos in particular was democracy at gunpoint: your vote or your life! They did not even have the patience to give options; they went for peoples’ jugular. It was mobocracy at its worst

 Sanwo Olu, as the governor or as the candidate, did not say anything. How could he when even in his own polling unit, red-eyed agberos were shouting: If you are Igbo or PDP, get out! BAT was so busy savouring his  ‘victory’ that he did not know what happened but his official spokesman, Bayo Onanuga( whom Abati described as a settler asking another settler to mind his business) warned that it would be the last time that Igbos would interfere in Lagos politics and that they should not try it in 2027. But on 2/9/18, Bayo Onanuga had posted a picture  he took at the Kigali Genocide memorial( the same Rwanda I just wrote about) and noted how sober he was after spending 90 minutes there, recommending the visit for ethnic champions and asking: ‘why do we hate a person because he is not a member of our ethnic group’?  Probably, it is not the same Onanuga or he had just had a reverse Damascus-Road experience. It was after the deed, when they ‘had what they wanted’ that Sanwolu warned against ethnic bigotry and profiling while BAT called for healing.  If and when they mean it, I will know! And Onanuga has repented and  issued a very soothing  rejoinder: “I don’t owe anyone any apology for addressing the existential threats of our people. I am after all, first of all a Yoruba, before being a Nigerian.  In effect, If you don’t like my views, jump into the nearest lagoon before you people sandfill all of them

But there are many others designing, constructing and maintaining the expressway to Rwanda. Fani Kayode, an anything-goes political jobber had asked Nd’Igbo to go back to their home, declared that GRV could not govern Lagos because his mother is Igbo( FFK  has 4 boys mothered by an Igbo wife),  supported  Onanuga’s legitimate concern of the ‘Ibo community taking over our land’. He also spoke of Nd’Igbo ‘poking their fingers into our eyes’ despite all the opportunities they were offered, and which they could not offer Yoruba’s in ana-Igbo I don’t know how many of his brothers had bothered to make a home in the east; how many of them were discriminated against, oppressed, supressed or swindled of their money over land deals or not allowed to buy lands or build houses. The loquacious Reno accused my people of threatening violence(???) and demarketing Lagos and ordered them to behave or relocate. How did he get involved in this? One Rotimi Adeosun accused the Igbos, led by Peter Obi of trying to forcefully  take over Lagos… by intimidation, threats, propaganda and fielding  a young man by the name Chinedu.. who has strong sympathy for IPOB with the support of his misguided, violent and aggressive supporters! FORCEFULLY?  In this generation or in the generation to come?  It ‘pained’ him that Yorubas are too kind, accommodating and charitable! All this just because GRV contested for the governorship of Lagos and because his mother is our sister! There is Godooo!

 And this is an election where an okoro-man, one Mr Nelson, won an election in Taraba State! Of course, the weponisation of Igbophobia is not a collective Yoruba affair. After all, Nd’Igbo live in every hamlet in Yoruba Land. It is a strategy designed and deployed for electoral gains by The Bourdillon Collective and their subsidiary, The BATist Convention and it occurs  every 4 years. Whenever they feel threatened, they resort to negative profiling, whip up ethnic sentiments and top it up with brute violence. This is how Hitler started and it is in tandem to  with the  stages of Genocide as enunciated by Gregory Stanton of Genocide-Watch, which includes classification, discrimination, preparation, extermination and denial. We are now at the denial stage. The whole thing also followed the usual ladders of genocide: anti-locution, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack and then genocide. We are now at the door step of step 5. And it all starts with hate-speech; incitement to abuse,  hatred, intimidation and violence against a group of people, based on their ethnicity. In Rwanda, the victims were generally termed cockroaches; in Lagos, they were and are derisively terms omoibo.   And despite the unrestrained, open incitement to  hatred and  violence, the only thing  serious enough for Keyamo to go to court are the  inciting  comments  of Obi-Dat. Anyway, we perceive differently!

The great Lai almost became a Minister of Hate-Speech, for which N336m was approved for him 2021. He had been using a supersonic microscope to search furiously for evidences and incidents of hate speech all over the country and even beyond, ( after all, ‘successfully’  battled Twitter.) Now he sees hate-speech walking on all fours and dancing naked  in broad daylight at Broad Street but  mum is the word as he looked the other way or pretended to be busy with other matters. As our people will say, Ihe Chukwu ga ekpe n’ikpe ehika!( there are a lot of things for God to judge)

 Dogs from Tee-Mac Lady & her Lions or self-defence; FKK &  his OmoIbo clan

I have been thinking, seriously, on the options open to me on this Igbo-Haram antics of my Yoruba friends, brothers and neighbours.  After a SWOT analysis and  strategic introspection, these options come to mind: To change my name ( Abdulwahab Ik’bat Moou  looks suitable); replace my red cap with the traditional white Yoruba cap or one with that  special  insignia(you know it now!); join or pretend to join APC, which will be easy since one of my students is a trainee BATist( he told me that the March-hem(mayhem in March) was perpetrated by unknown soldiers); undertake regular primage at Bourdillion ( with Igbokwe as my consultant), enlist into the Oluomo Vanguard( if they will admit me at my age), take insurance on my head, especially my eyes( with which I read) as well as a ‘ next-door neighbour’ cover, return to   ana-Igbo and  make a bonfire of  the Yorubas there (one of them repairs my generator and is also a rainmaker), including the newly crowned Oba of Awka or run away from Lagos. I can also hire some wicked dogs from Tee Mac or import a lion-guard from Kenya , especially during the next election or take some YouTube courses in self defense. All these are nonpalatable and they are not in sync with my person. But as Lagos is getting increasingly stressful, I will gradually leave, not run from it! And  in protest against the attempt of Nd’Igbo  to take over Lagos, I will sell my boys-quarter to Yorubas ONLY, as certified by the Oba of Lagos, who, by the way owes allegiance to Benin.

Now back to my colleague and his ‘them say’ allegation. I have not heard our people describing Lagos as a no-man’s land.  I was not there when Lagos became a national capital but I remember that when Abuja was made the national capital, it was officially declared a no man’s land because  the aborigines were relocated and compensated. The issue of ‘who owns the land’ however crops up there anytime there is election. The speech delivered by Jakande on 1/10/79, where he declared Lagos as a no man’s land  is also in circulation for the past 2 weeks.  I have lived in Lagos since 1994  and  I am thus more Lagosian that some of these folks out there. I am not and I will contest who owns Lagos. But I MUST join in determining, through my 1 vote, who governs me and makes policies that affect me in Lagos. I can even contest, if I am so minded, especially after I must have trained my own roughnecks.  However, I will NOT be involved  in the installation of the  Oba or  in the celebration of the original or emergency oro festivals

By the way, assuming that the Igbos made the  no-mans-land declaration,  does that  justify the xenophobic attacks and genocide  we just witnessed? We can’t leave Nigeria, we can’t live in peace in Nigeria  and it is an abomination to aspire to be  president!  We cannot vote  or participate in the political process in Lagos but we can pay all sorts of taxes, including those that depend on who you are and the language you speak.   But a Nigerian nearly became the PM of UK the other day, a post currently occupied by an Indian while  on of us  is currently the Deputy Treasury Secretary of US. And  Pa Ayo Adebanjo has just asked what those defending Yoruba Land did or said what unknown herdsmen occupied (they are still there)  hectares of Yoruba  forests and farms, killing, maiming, raping and burning. Funny enough, nobody goes to Idi-Araba, Alaba-Rago and parts of Ojo to  enforce no  APC, no vote!

Meanwhile, the President has declared that the 2023 elections were the best ever conducted in Nigeria while the IG of Police also declared that his people did wonderfully well in  protecting the electoral process.  However, the police is still investigating Oluomo’s threats to ALL non BATtists though they seem to agree  with him that it was a joke, even after he had fulfilled his promises, But this is an Ode to Oluomo by one unknown Nigeria: MC Oluomo: the CSO of Lagos state: you and your boys were almost everywhere(  despite the restriction of movements), harassing, beating, shooting whomsoever you perceive to be Omo-Ibo, you succeeded in securing victory for your party. Because of you, APC was reborn. And now that the sing song is Awani Lagos, awa ni Nigeria: (we own Lagos, we own Nigeria), his exploits can only be widened and deepened

I agree with Eccle8:11 that evil unchecked leads to more and greater evil. I also believe that it  is counterproductive to glorify, condone, support, defend and overlook evil because what goes round comes round and when you throw a stone into a crowded market, you don’t know who would be affected. Those who support evil today because it favours them should know that one day,  it may be their turn; where, when and how I do not know.  As one unknown sage said, a man could become the next victim of the evil he celebrates today! Some Yorubas were prevented from voting because they looked so ‘Igbotic’. The shop and source of livelihood of an onye-Igbo married to a Yoruba lady was razed and some Yorubas who had offices, workshops and other assets in Igbo dominated areas were also affected. And it appears that nothing unites Nigerians more than hatred, fear or envy for Nd’Igbo Whenever two cocks fight over a hen in Kano, when a woman  starves the husband in the other room  in Warri when a careless okada rams into a keke in Lokoja or when three Yorubas are contesting election in Lagos, the Igbos  are slaughtered! Why? There is Godooo

The narrative has always been that Nd’Igbo come to  Lagos empty handed,  feed fat on the land, live big and scheme to take over Lagos.   It appears that we are all parasites in Lagos because nobody ever mentions our contribution to the  economy and physical development of Lagos. The  above graph shows  the economic drivers of Lagos in 2021, with 50% contribution by trade. I do not have the competence to interpret it!

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 Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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