OBIcracy vs Gerontocracy, Plutocracy & Kakistocracy: The Die is CAST! - Ik Muo


Sometimes ago, the energetic and irrepressible Seun Okinbaloye made this  passionate plea to all Nigerians: …’this nation is choking. We can no longer breathe. There is a shortage of air. We need to allow this nation thrive.… This nation cannot be taken as a private enterprise anymore. The nation belongs to all of us and this time around again, no sitting on the fence. We must pick up to rescue this nation…2023 election is make or mar. Look, this nation cannot make a mistake with its choice of next leader. It is a must we get it right. If you employ best hands to run your private companies, we should have the best of us run the affairs of this nation. We must get leadership right. Not only at the center but across the states. Knowledge, crisis management skills, character and integrity, vision and courage to make tough decisions, effective communication skills, ability to unite the nation. Leaders who cannot show these traits cannot be hired. Enough is enough. Nigeria, rise, vote and vote right. And your time is now.  When he made this plea, almost in tears, the election appeared far away. Today, it is just a few hours away. And  just the other day, Casmir Igbokwe  supported the motion when he opined that  in this election, competence and character matter. Nigeria is on the edge of precipice and needs to be rescued. There is no sitting on the fence. For too long, Nigerians have suffered the consequences of bad leadership. For too long, ethnicity and religion had coloured our voting pattern; not anymore’ (The Sun, 20/2/23

 But long before then,  at the PDP National convention preparatory to the 2015 elections, Lucky Goodluck, the man who moved from grass to Grace and from Grace to greater Grace made this prophetic statement: The choice before Nigerians in the coming election is quite simple: a choice between going forward or going backward; between the new ways and the old ways; between freedom and repression; between a record of visible  achievements/beneficial reforms and desperate power-seekers with empty promises. Unfortunately, like entranced folks, we gleefully chose going backwards, the old ways, repression, and desperate power-seekers with their empty promises. And true to his ‘prophecy’, we are now in a more precarious position than we ever imagined that we could be.   If you are in doubt, consult the government-funded data  agency. We have tested their promised change; it was fake, bitter and fulfilled in reverse. We now demand genuine holistic change and the choice before us is like that between  day and night. We have two broad options; to choose OBIcracy,  or the detestable and  insufferable troika of plutocracy, gerontocracy & Kakistocracy

Obi to the rescue: 2015 vs 2023  Judiciary in distress   Confused confusion

OBIcracy, is the theory, practice and philosophy of OBIism or politics as practiced and espoused by Peter Obi. It is a system in which ‘people who are disenchanted with structured political leadership choose a structureless but competent leader of character,  voluntarily deploying their 3Ts to mobilise and campaign for him against  FULLY structured incompetent leaders with missing and/or doubtful certificates, age, integrity, origin and even parentage’. OBIcracy espouses inclusiveness,  shared prosperity, ‘youthocracy’, social cohesion, compassion and preferential interest in the poor, underprivileged and marginalised.   It prioritises character, competence, openness, pro-people policies, respect for the rule of law, civility and moderation in speech and action whether in public or public life; clean, simple and credible lifestyle and all round education and exposure sufficient to lead Nigeria from the ‘nth’ world (we had long gone far below the third world) to the current world and to the future.  Under OBIcracy,  one can confidently go and verify! It is built around  a holistic concept of integrity, which always seeks the good of others, beieving that  if something is not good FOR BOTH SIDES, then, it is not good for either side and that you may succeed momentarily for what do or know, but you can only succeed permanently because of what you are (The Word for Today 1/3/19; Before I Die, 30/4/21). It also SOLEY thinks and works around whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy (Phil,4:8). It abhors desperation and ambuscade,  and believes strongly in equity,  while adopting the golden rule! 

Pacesetting leadership style

OBIcracy  adopts a Pacesetting  Leadership Style as propounded by Daniel Goleman in which the leader leads from the front, constantly sets high standards for the team and expects them to exceed it with minimal supervision; when the leader sets the cadence for the team and demands high intensity in their performance. This is because, ’the perfect way to lead is by taking the lead. Taking the lead stiffens the backbone of the followers and enhances their confidence. Taking the lead demonstrates your faith and commitment to what you are directing them to do. Taking a lead shows them how to do it and at the same time inspires them to do what they see you do

OBIcracy as a construct  goes beyond  Peter Obi and that was why he was able to identify another OBImatic Nigeria, a YUSUful one for that matter in the person of  Dati Baba-Ahmed, out of the numerous other OBIfied people  across all the regions , religions and tribes of Nigeria.  Thus, there are many OBIcratic individuals beyond Peter Obi. The mission statement of OBIcracy is ‘to take back Nigeria, for the purpose of rescuing it from continued decline, shift the National psyche from consumption to production and from sharing dwindling resources to creating wealth and frontally combating poverty, all with the overarching aim of creating a Nigeria that Nigerians will be proud of’. OBIcracy also espouses PWB (Politics Without Bitterness) as preached and practiced by late Waziri Ibrahim of Great Nigerian Peoples Party.

OBIcracy is underpinned by OBInomics, the Economics of PO, which has a multiplicity of interconnected elements. It has frugality (prudence, financial responsibility) as a religion in public, private and social lives. It is all about financial responsibility that is allergic to squandermania. If you refer to it as stinginess, ‘na you sabi’ but even at that, the Stingy Men Association of Nigeria( SMAN) has appointed PO, unopposed,  as their life Grand Patron. OBInomics believes in deploying public money for public purposes, patronising home-made products and paying for the primary value of goods and services (seeing economy-class as the same as first class sit in the same flight). OBInomics  adopts a statistics-based governance (go and verify ), prioritises education, health and roads as the foundation for overall economic development, promotes savings, investments and production(as against consumption), separates personal from public resources and affairs, does not believe in enrichment from  the office, beyond formal remunerations( which can even be surrendered for the public good), and believes in learning from other climes.

Nothing found!

  The statistical tendencies of OBInomics is   highlighted by an unknown  Obidient fellow who declared that if one dared tell Obi that a snake swallowed N36m,  he will automatically respond that the oesophagus circumference of average snake in China is 1.3cm, Thailand, 0.5cm,, Burundi 2,2cm and Nigeria1.7cm. a bundle ofN20 notes is 5.2 cm and is too big for a snake to swallow! OBInomics  is against any form of ostentation and it practices lean government, lean convoys (size and quality), lean dressing, lean accommodation,  lean personal staff strength and  and zero hangers on. It is based on competence, and is technology-driven. OBInomics believes that everything can be negotiated (advertisements rates, hotel and flight fees); it is against pebendalism, and  is also based on  optimistic mindset; preaching hope in a hopeless milieu

And talking of this over-flogged issue of structure, ‘Wetin be structure sef’?   In Organisational Behaviour and Management, a structure is the ‘grouping of activities in such a way to achieve objectives, departmentation of these activities and provision of authority, delegation and coordination (Ik Muo, (2019) Management: Principles Practices and Processes; Enugu, Potter Creations, P425). But in Nigerian politics, a ‘structure’ refers to the offices and officers for politicking across the federation but in reality, it is a framework for rigging and sharing money; for subverting the electoral process by intimidation, violence, destruction of electoral materials and other forms of unholy subterfuge.  We have seen where this structure has led us and now, we need a structureless model, which is what OBIcracy represents.

Plutocracy is a political philosophy in which a state is governed or ruled by the wealthy. Under this philosophy, the power of the ruling class derives from their wealth. Usually, there is a transition from democracy to plutocracy. The state starts from a democracy, a quasi-democracy or a pretend-democracy in which the state pretends to be democratic, but its principles and practices are anything but democratic. Then the ruling or ruining elites gradually introduce and execute plutocratic policies. Such plutocratic policies in Nigeria include indirect primaries, which makes it easy for the rich to buy the delegates and even other candidates  as it happened in the APDP ( APC+PDP=APDP)  primaries. No  poor party or person can play effectively in the elections and poverty is weaponised as the poor  who are desperate to put food on their table choose to  monetise their votes. In the forthcoming presidential elections, the emphasis is not on what the plutocrats will and can do for us; it is about their ability to overwhelm their opponents and the voters with CASH! Under plutocracy, we go for cash and discountenance verifiable records of achievement, competence, commitment and character.  Surprisingly, plutocrats are deeply religious because their foundation is built upon  Ecclesiastes 10:19: Money answereth ALL things, including political power!

Gerontocracy is a form of ‘oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population; power accumulates with age, making the oldest the holders of the most power’. In Nigeria where the youths consist of 60%+ of the population, people who are 80+ are striving to lead! How can they linkup with the online generation? How can they communicate with the millennials? What kind of vision can those on the injury time visualise? How can ‘A-grade’ elders visualise a society which by the normal course of nature, they will not be a part of???

And then, we have  kakistocracy; ‘a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous  or the  most Machiavellian of the citizens.  How can we follow this route with our eyes wide-open? How can Nigerians who are creating and breaking records in all fields of human endeavour  all over the world, and who need a  conducive environment to replicate their global records at home, go to bed with kakistocracy?  

Fellow Nigerians, ‘olugo n’omume’(It is time for action) Reverend Fr Sly Ameh had once compared Nigeria to the traveller   on the road to Jericho  who was beaten, battered, robbed and left for dead(Luke,10:25-37) and argues that what we need now is not another brigand or steel-hearted, Machiavellian fellow but a GOOD Samaritan; to rescue and restore. Nigeria is sick unto death; it is like a car with a knocked engine that requires not just an ordinary driver but a dexterous  mechanic.   We now have an opportunity to start afresh and any mistake this time  will be FATAL. Lasisi Olagunju once reminded us that modern medicine ordinarily prescribes surgery  or at least a compulsory long term support as a remedy for birth defects. I believe that it is time to perform that painful surgery in/on Nigeria or at least, install a sustainable long-term support. And the person who intentionally shot-to-kill somebody cannot be the person to the bullet from his victim! Those who brought us to this sorry-pass 1999 to date, the APDP( APC+PDP)  have lost the moral right to  ask us to trust them again because we have nothing to show for the last 24 years.

OBIcracy is it!

Chineke nke igwe ndi agha’(the Lord of hosts), who knows the  end from the beginning promises us that ‘never again will I expose you to the contempt of other countries…I will restore the years eaten by the locusts, the caterpillars and … Nigeria  will never be humiliated again( Joel,2: 19-27). But all the promises of God are conditional and these ones are no exceptions! We have to do the right things, seize  with both hands, the opportunities that He has created,  and think of the future, not just  about stomach infrastructure of here and now! It is our responsibility to SEIZE THIS OPPORTUNE moment! The slate almost is clean and it is up to us to write the right things on it! For us to optimise this scenario and come out of the inflexion point stronger, we MUST embrace a paradigm shift.  The new paradigm requires us to put our best foot forward, to start with our first and best eleven rather than ‘managing’ whatever any group presents to us. Thus, we should ask henceforth , always and  with all seriousness, whenever anybody presents himself or herself to serve us, IS THIS THE BEST? This is and should continue to be the refrain anywhere anybody is presented for service in any part of  Nigeria today and evermore.

 Frantz Fanon tells us that Each generation must discover its mission and fulfil it or betray it!(Wretched of the Earth).   The mission of this generation, which has become sharpened by the current state of affairs, is to ensure that Nigeria is placed on the sustainable right path; that we lay the foundation for the greatness that we have been yearning for; a yearning that has become more strident  in the past 8 years when we have been recklessly wrecked from top to bottom by people who promised us heaven on earth. At this inflexion point, we must  choose between OBIcracy and plutocracy, gerontocracy and kakistocracy.  And without mincing words, OBIcracy is it! Dr Bolaji Akinyemi believes that these are the questions that should determine our choice on 25/2/23: Who is the candidate with the competence and character of frugality that we must model as a country? With N77trn debt hanging on our neck, who is that candidate adverse to loan as a way to growing our economy? Who among them has shown charismatic communication that brought his plan for the country home to ordinary Nigerians to understand? Who has promised to cut off the extravagance recklessness of political office holders and their civil servant cohorts whose financial flamboyancy we can no longer continue to bear?’  As one ‘unknown author’ declared on 11/12/22,’Obi is the only candidate that genuinely describes subsidies as organised crimes because he does not benefit from it; he shouts the fact  of oil stealing from the rooftops because he is not a part of the syndicate; he is the only candidate talking about corruption because he is the only one that is manifestly not corrupt; he is the only candidate that talks about how to create wealth, improve the economy, because he is the only one that has created wealth from the strength and astuteness of his intellect driven private businesses.

This is not the time to vote for somebody because he is ‘eminently qualified’ as my former  PG student told me. When I asked him to market his preferred candidate on the bases of character, competence, physical and mental alertness and integrity, he  went blank. It is not time to vote for a serial contestant, who does not find Nigeria good enough for habitation. We have seen where the last serial contestant landed us.  It is not time to vote for somebody because it is his turn. It is also  not time to vote for people who will either privatise our commonwealth or share it with their boys. We do not need to reward desperation and desperados. I agree with Agu Onwuzuruoha that  the time is ripe for the Aristotelian dialectics of preferring a convincing impossibility to an unconvincing possibility. I also agree with Datti that this is time  for Competence you can trust, characters you know, compassion you can feel and capacity that has been proven.

I also agree with Taju Tijani that debates and conversations about presidential aspirations can no longer be socially neutral. We must fight for the soul of Nigeria. Tribal identifications have become malignant forces which harden peoples ambivalent feelings into voting certified rogues into power.,, We must give ourselves relief from the unending disasters of  APDP and  support a third force that has come away through a God-given chance. We must not blow this chance.

 Meanwhile, the case for a new order has been poignantly made by two unlikely Nigerians. On 22/2/23, a video emerged where our  Vice President, PYO, emotionally declared that We pray that our country will be peaceful and prosperous. But God allows us by our voting to know whether we mean our prayers or not. You cannot wish this country well and vote for the person you do not believe in( trust)! And during  one of his chequered electioneering outings, the chief BATist himself admonished us  Don’t elect them; they don’t know what to do; they don’t know the way, they don’t know how to do it. They allowed the exchange rate to fall from 200+ to 800! There is nothing more to add

On  Saturday, 25/2/23, 48 hours away, we have a historic opportunity to` to vote for freedom or to retain our slavishness! This is an opportune moment and we MUST  seize this lifetime opportunity within the lifetime of the opportunity.. with BOTH hands. And so, help us God!

I have spoken!

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 Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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  1. Thanks so much for this write up. But my worry remains that the voting populace are not reading this beautiful works of yours. May God help Nigeria to survive tomorrow. Amen.


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