Still on oddities, laughter and related matters - Ik Muo, PhD.


In my last intervention, I tried to sooth our micro-moods, to divert our attention from the multiplicity of excruciating existential challenges, which have become the new normal under this next-level government. I do not know to what extent I succeeded but I just want to update that piece before going back to outstanding serious businesses. For a start, I forgot to tell you that by being a Carinal, Peter Ebele Okpaleke ( We are struggling to speak the Kings English here but the Oyibos  bold-facedly called him Oku-pal'eke) is now a DELEGATE for life! This is because he becomes a permanent member of the college of cardinals,  a member of the conclave, whose responsibility it is to elect the Pope. Of course, this is not the type of delegate I wanted to become; through which I had hoped to hammer in 2022.  Nigerian delegates are pampered, paid obscene amounts, are often cheated by the wholesale dealers,  operate under fluid rules because of which the process is almost always contentious and manipulated, with courts always on standby; and their ‘delegate-ship’ lasts for a few hours, once every 4 years. For Peter Cardinal Opkaleke however, it is for life, the rules are cast in stone  and he has to pay  to be a delegate; the price being determination, commitment, obedience and  studiously maintaining a delicate balance between being in the world but not  being of the world (Jn 17:14-15).  Once more, I am ‘tuale-ing’ for  the latest universal delegate in town!

The latest magician in town, Malam Adamu-Adamu, the hitherto pro-ASUU fellow, announced that the ASUU strike would end last week(5-9 September,’22). I had already parked my things and rejigged my mind, body  and soul for the ‘madness’ that would follow! 9 years ago, specifically on 5/12/13, the APC exonerated ASUU for the prolonged strike and blamed  the government for failing to ‘confront the key issues in university education and administration,’  and advised Jonathan/PDP to ‘show leadership by working with the lecturers to find lasting solutions to the challenges confronting university education in terms of funding, infrastructure, standards   welfare and administration’ This same APC has been engaged in Maradonic  negotiation with ASUU since 2017 (5 years and still counting), signed several MOU MOA and  MOL( Memorandum of Lies), set up two committees, which reached two agreements in 2021 and 2021, and treated those agreements with ignominy and   obfuscate issues by serving the public a menu of lies, misinformation, disinformation and uncouth  under-the-belt propaganda! And the great BAT, who was the chief APCian   in 2013 and now its best man for 2023 is today seeing ASUU as unreasonable for continuing with the strike.  As all this is going on, the Chairman of Committee of VCs of Nigerian Universities, Prof  Sam Edoumiekumo  has accused the government  of supporting the Bokoharamist  agenda( away with Western Education!), by not showing commitment towards tertiary education and demands of ASUU.

Anyway,  from ending last week as per Adamu-Adamu, the matter has landed in the court with the FGN demanding accelerated hearing.  The FG forgot that he who is forced to agree has not actually agreed!  However that was before Usman Opayemi, a 200 level student of History and International Studies at UNILORIN  established the ASUU-Strike POS   enterprise. Another unknown joker had also  declared that any baby born during this or other ASUU strikes should be named ASUquo!  However,  while Opayemi has started a business and other students are taking online classes, learning some skills, or seeking temporary employment, an UFS (Unknown  Female Student) has gone online to showcase her backside, which  has become  more gigantic, rounded and enticing than  it was before the akshon! What a dividend of ASUU strike!  Her main concern is the structure( structure again) of her backside!! Anyway, different strokes for different folks.

Meanwhile, a government that is so broke that it can only afford extra N60000 monthly ( or is it   annually?) for professors has just increased the out of station allowances  in multiples of 100%  for  public servants. For Ministers and PerSecs, it increased from N35000 to N80000, and from N20000 to N70,000, respectively. For traveling for a day, a PermSec receives more than what the FG is willing to odffer Professors in a month! And this includes tours from Ikeja to Ibafo and from Abuja to Nasarawa. I will keep you informed of the quantum leaps in local tours and travels from the last quarter of 2022. Jigawa state has also disbursed N193bn to lactating and pregnant mothers within 7 months (about N28bn monthly); a very impressive record in governmental humanitarianism! We have also been informed that if not for this compassionate government that retained  the subsidy regime, fuel should by now be going for circa N440/ litre and that most of the stollen crude is stored in churches and mosques. Crude oil is  not what you can put in the pockets; it is shipped in very large ships and one wonders how the ships can berth in  church compounds and what quantity of such crude a mosque can contain? This is as the Ministry of petroleum (headed by our Saintly president) and the Nigerian Navy ( under the command of the same president) have openly disagreed on the quantity of oil stollen, with the Navy stating that the 200000-400000 quoted by the former its agencies is IMPOSSIBLE!

We have also learnt that about $3.3bn (real Dollars) worth of crude was stollen in the 14 months, ending March 2022; 95% of oil from Bonny axis is stollen  and that refinery utilization in Nigeria is the worst in OPEC at 1% with Libya, Angola, and  Congo at 25%, 50%, and 85% respectively. No be juju be that? Meanwhile, some mischievous but serious minded fellows have revealed that the earnings of Messi and Ronaldo from running around the pitch once in a while are higher than the budgets of Osun and Nasarawa states, both with a population of 7.2m as at 2016. Why single out these two states for such an embarrassing  comparison and why should we be quoting 2016 figures in 2022?  Meanwhile, my take-off question for my students whenever we resume should be: planning without statics is the same as planning with expired statistics: discuss with examples. By the way,  Babagana Munguno, the National Security adviser has revealed to this unshockable nation that 54000( yes, fifty-four thousand) ghost names were discovered from the cursed IPPIS payment platform!  And yet rather than giving ASUU a medal of honour and giving the unit the Central Bank of Liberia treatment, we are being harangued and demonized. CBL-treatment?  Dazed by monumental two-for-a-penny corruption,  President  Sirleaf sacked all the staff of Liberian Central Bank  and started afresh

One Mrs Joy Sunday of Akwa Ibom State has, out of desperation, conspired with some rascals to kidnap her husband because he denied her sex! Shoo; with all these men dangling unmentionable things everywhere?  However, Mrs Zainab Yusuf( I hope she is YUSUFul) has asked the Magajin Gari Sharia Court in Kaduna to dissolve her marriage because the husband, Ali Garba, was a sex addict, wanting to do at all times, at all places and at all circumstances including during mensuration and Ramadan fast! When you look at these two women and their challenges, you see that this world no balance. And in a related development, Esther Kalema, a prostitute in Lusaka has sued one of her married clients, George Mulenga for getting her pregnant and demanding K500 monthly maintenance allowance. The man agreed ‘doing’ with her but argued that it was pure business and that getting pregnant was not a part of her job description! The case is still on but  what will happen if he pays her the maintenance fee: will  she be on an exclusive retainership arrangement  with him or will she still be servicing other clients? Don’t ask me what madam, the certified owner of George, has done or will do on this matter. In another intriguing case, Yusuf Muhammed is demanding N1.6m from his wife, Murjanto Nasiru in exchange for divorce, claiming that he paid N50000 dowry and that since 2018 when they got married, his brothers stopped the N35000 monthly palliative  they were extending to him. The man is good with  elementary mathematics but I had thought that  alimonies are paid by husbands. In any case, it is only Ali that should pay ALImoni not Yusuf! This case is still on but if in doubt, go and verify!

And then, a 40 year old educated superman has created records for marrying 15 wives and manufacturing 108 children so far. As we speak, 15 of the wives are simultaneously pregnant!  I don’t know how he does it or how he manages such a complex structure and system! As you already know, wonders will never end and there are more and new wonders everyday. On 5/5/22, a group of security-conscious bandits, while ‘on patrol’ arrested a scavenger with some stolen items from a village, paraded him and handed him over to the community leader for ‘onward transmission’ to the security personnel. The SRB (socially responsible bandits) told the petty criminal: You are lucky we are handing you over to the authorities; we could have executed you for engaging in criminal activities! Bandits admonishing a petty-thief! This country sef!

             Family budget session in progress …                       SRB admonishing a petty thief!

As 2023 elections draw nearer, a lot of signs and wonders are afloat. The ADC suspended its presidential candidate Dumebi Kachukwu for anti-party activities while the state chairmen of the party hold that it is the sit-tight chairman who should get the boot. And than  some members of the Central Working Committee were also suspended: If you Dabo me, I Tarka you; simplicita!  In Adamawa, the APC chairman, Ibrahim Bilal, has been sacked for gross misconduct, including running the party like a personal fiefdom,  by 25 out of 36 executives of the party while the Roforofo in PDP is getting quite intriguing with Nwike promising to crush his opponents. But long before then, two ‘native pastors’ (herbalists) were arrested by EFCC for making a  N24m worth of failed juju for a  House of Reps aspirant from Oye Ekiti. The herbalists argued that they spent the money on juju-making  raw materials and accessories, including keeping warm at night( the work is mostly done nocturnally); that their juju was 100% genuine since they had agreement-prayers with the gods but that the matter was scattered by the party which zoned the  ticket away from Oye Ekiti.  Why didn’t the juju thwart the zoning arrangement?  How competent is EFCC, which does not have a juju-operations department, investigate juju affairs? How can the court adjudicate on a juju matter? Was there a money-back guarantee? How can a candidate in a democracy seek juju-instead of votes-to win a ticket and why was he so desperate as to seek juju assistance with a whopping sum of N24m? How much would he legally earn within his tenor in the HOR and why was he not ashamed of admitting that he consulted babalawos? Anyway, let’s leave matter for matayas hand. 

And the then, the Conference of United Political Parties has allegedly discovered  the mother of all political signs and wonders: names from Ghana, Australia and Brazil were discovered in the voters Register in Omuma, the village of the chief  Hopist.  Names with male faces were registered as female, some  are aged 100+ while a secret court action had been commenced to force INEC to abandon  the revolutionary BVAS. When you see names like Griffith Edem( Female), Guthire Silas( female) Harell Drake, Head Callin, Gates Avye and Hines Briar in a village at Imo State,  including some born in 1902, then you should  know that interesting times are ahead!

People react differently to spousal betrayals. Some men go violent and some women even go deadly by dismantling mens’ manhood. Well, a man has just done it differently. He waited for the lady to travel and then donated all her personal belongings to charity,  and parked out of their apartment to an unknown location. Meanwhile Niger State is beating its chest that ONLY 4000 of its teachers came in through the backdoor (unqualified). With as many as 4000 unqualified teachers, irrespective of the %, how do we prepare our youths for the future? How can the teachers give what they do not have?  However  Sanni Bello, the compassionate Governor,  promised to give then another opportunity, rather than sacking anybody. But how did 4000 unqualified teachers find themselves into the system and what has he done to sanitise such a rotten system?

This  one is DIFFICULT to believe: that a man raped a friends wife, when she was in the matrimonial bed with her husband, on 22/8/22, in Surulere Lagos! The woman felt somebody doing her, thought it was the husband and while she was gyrating to the tune of the music, her hand touched the husband beside her and  that was when she raised alarm. The rapist  claimed he lost his  way to his house due do drunkenness! And the only place he could land was into the honeypot of the woman?  Why didn’t he wander into the ocean or the many dirty ponds around Lagos? The husband would have been in that kind of slumber in which Adam was  when God extracted one of his ribs to create Eve. The woman sef, na waa: was there no difference in style, human smell, size of --- between the husband and the stranger? How could she not know that a stranger was chopping her?  The rapist is surely daring, and would have applied  a powerful and multidimensional remote control! Anyway,  the man was arrested and this is more job for the  overstretched police!

 Our people say that when you stay at home  for too long, you will be asked to explain what happened to the missing chicken or what caused a neighbourhood quarrel. I have been home since February and as I was writing the first draft of this article  on 7/9/22, a cacophony of threatening noises in the neighbourhood, rising in crescendo, disturbed and distracted  the son of man. I had to go find out whatsgwan and  that was how I got involved in a marital squabble that had gone out of hand.  This would not have happened if I were managing BUS 90; it was just because I was home.  Anyway, that was a part of the  community service. And  that is the reality of today’s social-media marriage: Today, if I don’t marry her, I will die;  Tomorrow,if she doesn’t leave this house, I will kill her! Luckily, I have not be invited to give witness at the police post or at the court and I pray it doesn’t come to that. And for thise who think we are not working, teaching is just one-third of our over-saturated responsibilities, the other two-thirds being community service( like peace-building between husband and wife) and research( like what you are reading!

 In 2002, the dome of the national stadium  Abuja, the contract of which was awarded under anticipatory approval, collapsed  before it was commissioned, killing three people. That was during the imperial presidency of OBJ, the author and finisher of babacracy. Well, just the other day, a bridge collapsed while being commissioned, ‘somewhere’. I say somewhere because some people reported that it was in South Africa, while others reported that it was in the Democratic Republic of Congo while  one source, trying to play safe said it happened in one African country. Anyway, the bridge collapsed and  readers are called upon to vote for their preferred location! However, I advise that you watch the video of the incident  to see how all those who came  on a rescue mission  were only interested in lifting the beautiful lady at the scene while the man was left to his fate!

In my last intervention, I x-rayed the fashion statement made by Alh. Shetimma, Tinubu’s MM running mate at the last NBA conference( where the lawyers, because they were in Lagos, the HQ of areaboyism, behaved like   first-class area-boys!) Anyway, Chike, a Nigerian singer, has made another fashion statement by wearing a skirt when he performed at a BBNAIJA eviction show, a show has lost most of its mojo   due to OBImania. You evict somebody, you celebrate. Even the evictee, rather than being shamed for failing an exam,  goes on to become a celebrity ! This generation sef! Anyway, Chike is not the first to be skirted. I remember that D1 Adeneye once wore a skirt during one Nigerian independence celebration. That was when people still remembered and celebrated October1. Furthermore, during the recent mad weather in Europe, many male Brits were skirted to escape from the scalding weather,

It is not in my character to do this kind of intervention without paying homage to our pastors, whether native or modern. A deliverance consultant, Pastor Michael Rabiu ( married with 3 children from 2 wives)who was arrested for chopping a 12 year old girl has revealed that he did so in the process of deliverance. This is to exorcise the spirit of death caused by tanran (the snake spirit), which has been plaguing the family( the mother had lost 2 daughters). He also accused the devil of being a culprit in this act of sexual molestation.  As for the distraught mother, I do not blame her; our people say that people do not patronize white-garment churches for the fun of it; it is usually due to their  afflictions.

Pastor Rabiu

But his case is better than that of Kinto Dennis, the GO of Empowerment City Church, Uganda, who was arrested for flogging  his  congregants lateness and other acts of spiritual indiscipline. He took his time, ordered them to lie down one after the other and gave it to them  on their buttocks with full force. And they sheepishly obeyed! Maybe people are empowered by flogging. He now needs to be disciplined by the law as an 18-count charge has been slammed against him for ‘assault, common assault, causing bodily harm, promoting sectarianism and human trafficking +++’. These police people sef!  Rather than charge the pastor simply for flogging his congregants, they generated 18 charges so that if he escaped one, he will not escape the other.  Amid his arraignment, some of his congregants were on social media defending him by stating that he was only "flogging his children".
 As for the number of charges, it is normal with African policemen. Sometimes in 1985, I was  driving from Enugu to Igboukwu through  Okigwe axis in my good old 504( AN 3705ED). A policeman accosted me, and accused me of having an irregular plate number! Irregular plate number? I asked him what was an irregular plate-number, why my own was irregular and to show me a regular one from other cars so that I would rectify the error. Anyway,  I relaxed and we had a friendly discussion,  where I worked, school, why I took that route and other  inconsequential issues.  When I wanted to leave,  he wanted me to settle him and when I refused( I no de give sisi!), he ceased the plate-number as an exhibit and summoned me to Okigwe Central Police station. I enjoyed the development because I joined the league of big-men who drove-and still drive- without plate-numbers. When I got to Okigwe the following Monday I was shocked at number and variety of charges they slammed against me, including violently resisting arrest, dangerous driving, obstructing the flow of traffic, and  disrespecting an officer of the law!  If it were today, he would have charged me of IPOBism! I asked the officer whether he was sure that the charges were for me!  Anyway, that was that.

Tough times  demand desperate measures and  that was why Oludare Alaba  a graduate of Agricultural Extension  and Rural Development from Ladoke Akintola University  stormed the school the other day, returned his certificate and demanded a refund of all the fees he paid  for the degree programme . He returned the certificate because it was of no use to him and demanded for a refund of the fees to help him to take care of himself. Frustration walking on all fours. Who and what do we blame? The school, the student, the family, the Government (federal and state) or even ASUU? There was a worse case sometimes ago when a young man, in a moment of rage, set ALL his certificates, (including NYSC discharge Certificate) on fire. Another native pastor has also advertised his shrine, in perfect working condition, for sale! he claimed to have given his life to Christ but I suspect that business has been very bad of late! I am one of his agents and he is so desperate that he has offered 15% commission. The pre-qualification process has started and those interested should forward their BVN,  NIN and PVC details! This can be done anonymously so that the public will not know those bidding for the shrine, which may include some pastors!

Ik Muo, PhD. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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