PMB, MNK and the Pareto Principle - Ik Muo, PhD,


Dangerous MNK: in chains; Harmless Bandits:Kudos & Cash for more arms 

Now that we are, hopefully, through with Cubanamania , let me discuss another phenomenon from the land of the rising sun: MNK, the Supreme Leader of IPOBians or DOT-people home and abroad.  The recent arrest, kidnap or abduction of MNK  from wherever, has  turned Kanu and his struggles into one of the hottest issues in town. This is because of the way and manner he was brought into Nigeria (there are about 8 versions , but  the Kenyan version seems to have won the day),  the bait with which he was caught( women, money, fake negotiation or household betrayal),the fact that he is a British citizen and the fact that Lagos State Commissioner for Gutter Affairs, Joe Igbokwe celebrated the arrest of his brother.

Thanking God for MNKs arrest

Furthermore, the fact that some of our compatriots Like Gumi and El-Rufai have argued that he is more criminal than the bandits because the bandits are in business while MNK  ‘orchestrated 60 deaths in 4 months’  including security personnel,( he did not kill any person) the fact that he calls for secession  and the fact that he lives a 5-Star live, travels in private jets and dresses in designer wears( the Great Lai)has earned him the ‘villain of the millennium award.  This is not withstanding the fact that ISWAP has appointed Abba-kaka a governor of Tumbumma, ( Marte, Abadam, Kukawa, Magumeri),Baba Isa  DG of Board in Internal Revenue,  who has imposed flat levies of 2000-5000 based on occupation) and Ibn Umar  as the Chief Judge

Governor Aba-kaka…….. Late General Hassan

Some other bandits have also  hoisted flags in  Kajuro /Shiroro axis of Niger state, about an hour’s drive from the rock while as I write, this, bandits have just killed 13 security personnel, in Kurar Mota village in Zamfara State, at a sitting, at about the same time they  killed two soldiers and inflicted serious injuries on seven others, Unguwar Lalle village of Sokoto State while  Major General Hassan Ahmed, former Provost Marshal of the army was murdered along Kogi Abuja highway  and bandits just shut down a combat Airforce jet. Yet these are the people in the business of only collecting ransom. As for MNK orchestrating  the ‘killing of 60’, sometimes ago, Candidate GMB made some inflammatory statements consequent upon some rascals in the north murdered  at least 800 people within 3 days( not 60 within 4 months), broke limbs and destroyed properties. The  Government went after the blood-thirsty urchins while the person who orchestrated the killings remained free to contest and win the much coveted presidency. Probably, that is why we have removed history from our curriculum.  

Furthermore, Kanu’s extradition occurred at a time when the PMB led FGN has  concentrated all its effort on Kanu, the East, ESN and UGM, to the extent that any person from outer space would believe that Kanu is the only problem with Nigeria.  The war against Kanu was so intense that the FGN had to ban Twitter (with the debilitating consequences on business and the civic space), just because of him. Other problems like our bourgeoning economic quashiokor,  general and particularly youth unemployment, debt overhand and further obsession with debts( 72%-90%spent on debt servicing), infrastructure decay, decapacitation of the naira, and the mockery of democracy where there are no democrats and where party and national elections are determined by the courts and where are leaders at all levels act with incomparable imperiousness, mushrooming of universities, were kept in the cooler while the PMB and his kitchen cabinet had sleepless nights because of Kanu 

My colleagues have always asked me about my views on MNK and Biafra and when I tell them that I mustn’t hold views on everything, they insist that  being of the East though not in the East, I should illuminate their minds on Kanu/IPOB affairs.  Some ask out of genuine interest; some ask out of mischief while some ask because in the academia, you must always undertake inquests into issues, past, present or future. Well,  generally, I have a tripartite perspective on this matter.   Number one, Kanu, being a fellow  onye-Igbo, is my brother  and I cannot deny him because of the  cul-de-sac  that circumstances, in alliance with his antics, have pushed him into.  Secondly, everybody knows why the quest for Biafra, whether ‘of the mind’ or Kanu’s brand, has become the Beetle. As Volkswagen marketers had argued years back, ‘you cannot kill the beetle! (But they have finally killed the beetle in Nigeria!). Finally, let me repeat ad nauseam that the way Nigeria is presently constituted and operated is not sustainable.   But for now, even though I am a spirit, I am not able to say what, when and how what will happen, will happen. But surely, something MUST happen and as our people would say, omehu n’izu, omee n’onwa (If it doesn’t happen in a week, it will happen in a month)

My last major comments on,   and advice to, PMB and MNK, were  four years ago, in October, 2017.  Because the views contained in these four-year old writeups have not changed much, I wish to draw attention to some of them.

Egwueke in practice                              Making a music out of a bad situation

 In  ‘1967 to 2017: From Police action to Egwu-Eke. (5/10/17;, I wrote among others… ‘So, when, how and why did IPOB become a terrorist organization? By singing songs, having flags, throwing stones which they picked from the road sides or by verbal acidity?  If badmouthing is an indicator of terrorism, then, Lai Mohammed, President Buhari himself, El-Rufai would have been declared terrorists long before now. If it is having flags, then there would have been more terrorist organisations than those that are not because every organization in Nigeria has a flag. Indeed, any social function in my compound at Igboukwu today is incomplete unless it is adorned by 4 flags: Umumennorfor, Ihuowelle, Ngo and Igboukwu flags. If it is by throwing stones, then most Nigerian students would have been proscribed. I threw stones during Ali--must-go and most students still throw stones, except that they are now more interested in organising awards for politicians and other money bags…Uwazurike I know; Madu I know but Kanu, I did not know until our overzealous security operatives detained him, until government  ignored all the court orders concerning him and until our President went on air, in the midst of all the challenges facing Nigeria,  to pontificate that the courts are wasting their time by granting him bail and that his sins have surpassed the Biblical 70x7 times and thus unpardonable.  Kanu wants Biafra now and we all know why!...I agree with one commentator that secession takes a calculated mobilisation of financial, military, and political resources to achieve and I am not aware that Kanu and or IPOB has any of these. Our people say that with proper discussions, the mat will be enough for all. I am not aware that Kanu/IPOB has discussed with our people so that the mat will conveniently contain all of us. Our people also say that only a son sent on a thieving mission by his father does so with outlandish brazenness. I am not aware that Kanu has been sent by his ‘father’ and yet he speaks and acts with unparalleled brazenness. Even if his fathers had sent him, our people still add that you  have to assess the capabilities and tendencies of your people before calling on them for assistance when you cause, or run into, trouble.  Our people also say that you don’t go after a vicious animal with  bare hands. I agree that he is suffering from a redeemer complex and I also agree that standing before a moving train is not an act of bravery and as someone said the other day, it is not advisable to drink gin on an empty stomach..  I was also worried about  Kanu’s intolerance of dissenting opinion, sense of self-righteousness and the groupthink/herd tendency among IPOBians  and  at a certain point I felt that we may end up with the Ogoni scenario where everybody with contrary spirit became a vulture!’ This is more for Kanu.

The tsetse fly perched in the scrotum

In PMB, Kanu & the tsetse fly on the scrotum (Guardian, 20/10/17) I wrote that  ‘Our people say that when a tsetse fly perches on a man’s scrotum, then the man is in serious dilemma. (Don’t ask me how the deadly insect gained access to a man’s holy of holies!). This is because if you let it be, it will suck the man to death (of course, a man without his instrument of disfigurement is as good as dead). On the other hand, if you try to smash it, you will also destroy the same scrotum in the process, thereby destroying the man all the same. However, it does not mean that the man should gladly provide a furnished apartment for the tsetse fly in that delicate region of his body; he just has to adopt a high dose of wisdom, tact and carefulness in the process of evicting the unwanted guest. A tsetse fly, or what PMB sees as a tsetse fly (Kanu/IPOB) has just perched on his scrotum (the non-negotiable Nigeria which he ‘fought for’( may be alone)) and unfortunately, in his usual haste, he failed the tsetse fly test. He not only used a hammer to kill the tsetse fly, he used an iron sponge to wash off the mess and used red-hot charcoal to dry the wetness that resulted from the scrubbing! There is no other way to interpret the deployment of 15 APCs and 20 lorries to Kanu’s compound, a fellow who despite his acerbic tongue, has not fired a shot’. This is more for PMB.

 Now, back to the business of the day. I try to be Achebeic in my writings by avoiding BIG grammar but at times, it is good to show people that I actually went to school and that is why today, I want  to discuss the Pareto Principle( also called the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few) and  how PMB has turned it upside down in his approach to our security challenges. (to be continued

 - Ik Muo, PhD, Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye 08033026625

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  1. Humnmn! It's becoming clearer and clearer everyday that Nigeria is a country with two laws: one for the northerners and the other for the southerners. That means 'what is good for the goose may not be good for the gander'.

    Also, how does one interpret or explain the action of oga Joe Igbokwe over the arrest of MNK? I really feared for MNK's fate in this instance.

  2. Hnmmm...
    High Chief sir, I salute your intellectual wealth and literary appreciation sir...
    This is a high level eye-opener for someone like me who is with much curiosity to understand the under-plays in the saga...
    How do one really phantom the rationale behind the tolerance for dangerous and disasterous bandits and heated chasing of the identifiable activists.
    Like some "streetificate" people do say : "One Nigeria is a scam".
    Or how do we further explain the practical inequalities in the governance of the state.

    Pls sir, would love you to write on the Igboho-yoruba nation struggle.

    God bless High Chief Muo...
    Your academic sons n daughters are proud to have you sir

  3. Pareto optimality, like Perfect Competition are IDEALS; if ALL accept them, there would be no conflict.
    Problem is the antagonism exists because, antagonists are each right, in their own thinking. So, your subjects are the same!

  4. Onyenkuzi ndi nkuzi-teacher of teachers. If anything, on proverbs and axioms. And in such a dexteric fashion; reading, understanding and assimilating the writeup .
    Ichie, jide Ka iji.
    Mazi Emeka Onwujiobi

  5. This is ...... Hmmmm

    Let the continuation come fess.


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