Whatsoever you do….Guest Lecture presented by Ichie Ezechikwado Ik. Muo, Ph.D, FCIB.

Guest Lecture presented by  Ichie Ezechikwado Ik. Muo, Ph.D, FCIB. @ the launching of Catholic Men Organisation  Trust Fund @ Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Catholic Church Okota, Lagos , Sunday, 31st March, 2019


And they will ask:  “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you something to drink.. a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you, sick or in prison and go to visit you? And he answers  whatsoever you did to the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me!” (Mt.,25:37-39). Note that this is His last teaching before the passion
"Do all the good you can,
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as you can!” John Wesley
Man becomes great exactly in the measure in which he works for the welfare of his fellow human beingsMahatma Gandhi

1:What Is The Purpose Of this Life?

We are nothing on this earth if we are not in the first instance, slaves to a cause-Frantz Fanon
People over the ages have continuously agonized over the purpose of man’s existence on earth. Why are we here? What should we be doing here? What is the essence of life and existence? These questions have been asked jointly and severally over the ages. Some people pondered on these questions formally and they have been collectively referred to as philosophers. Others do so informally. Whether formal or informal, it is normal for people to think about the essence of life. There is an odd category of people who live by the day-they do what the day brings, eat what the day brings and wait for another day! Luckily, they are in the minority! An important aspect of thinking about the purpose of life is the issue of what happens in the hereafter, when one bids irrevocable goodbye to this world. In this regard, there is this natural desire to live legacies and monuments as reminders to future generations that such persons passed through this planet. In effect, we want to be alive after we might have died!
Some people go about acquiring wealth and they become fanatical about it that every conceivable technique is applied in the process. Others move from wealth and go on to acquire power so as to be able to consolidate their wealth, control the life and destiny of others and play god in the affairs of men. In Nigeria and other developing countries, there is no distinction between wealth and power; power is the surest route to limitless wealth. Others want to live the good life-whatever that means; others seek for knowledge and do so to the point of confusion. There are yet those who wish to have highly educated and empowered children. In pursuing these options, there is the desire to be positively remembered after ones demise. But wealth can vanish; the powerful do become powerless, ‘good life’ leads to doom even on this earth; knowledge for its own sake serves no purpose and some well trained and empowered children end up becoming riff-raffs. Some people are forgotten even before they die while others are remembered in the negative realm. And all this is on this earthly plane
The advent of Christianity brought another dimension to this matter. The essence of life then becomes to live a Christ-life like so as to be admitted into Gods eternal presence after death. Life thus becomes a transit-camp, where people take the preparatory steps to make heaven-by the grace of God. That is why the Catholic Church teaches  that God created us to know, love and serve him as a precondition to living in eternity with him. Other religions also preach a higher purpose to life. Even in the Igbo traditional religion, people live in such ways as to be admitted into the fold of ancestors, so that their offspring would proudly pour libations and celebrate their names and deeds forever. People do not pour libations or make sacrifices to those who were failures or evil-minded while they were alive. If you are in doubt, recall how Okonkwo’s reaction to the advice by the ogba-afa to offer sacrifice to Unoka (Things Fall Apart). The twin desires-to leave a worthwhile legacy and to win the ultimate prize of heavenly abode-can be easily achieved through charity: giving our time, knowledge and resources-in love and with love- to our neighbours.

2:Leaving Legacies Through Charity

One of the surest ways of creating everlasting legacies is by extending  good deeds to people who may, or may not be, known to us. This fact is underscored by these two philosophical statements: What is the use of living if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place to live after we have gone( Churchill); Most of the world greatest achievers are not known for what they had, but for what they did with what they had (Habu Dawaki). To this day, people talk of Ford, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Ghandi, Murtala Mohammed, Mandela, Dora Akunyili, Fawehinmi and Pope John Paul II. They are all remembered for the services they rendered to their immediate communities or the world at large.
Some continue to be relevant today through endowments. They are not remembered for houses, degrees, beauty or children. The same holds for some who are still very much around-Rawlings Utomi, Fr Kukah. They made or are making differences in their societies,  for which they are honoured and applauded.

That was why Bill Gates, the worlds richest man, (current worth $79.2bn)  decided to relinquish his chairmanship of Microsoft(2014) so as to devote more time to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation, which is worth about $90bn, has as at 2017, granted more than $54b. Gates has already left a legacy through Microsoft; but it was a commercial/scientific legacy. He now wants to leave a legacy of pure charity for which he is not expecting any returns except that generations to come would continue to remember the foundation and its founder. He has further resolved to give away all his money to charity and to commit to doing so after death. In their 2018 annual letter, he says giving away all his money is  meaningful, fun and that ‘it is our life’. He has wealth, but he wants something beyond wealth and he is seeking that through giving and serving. Guess what? Melinda attributes her philanthropic orientation to her Catholic upbringing, where she learnt to value social justice. Perhaps, he is spurred by the words of Albert Camus that Real generosity to the future lies in giving all to the present” or the admonition of Benjamin Franklin that

When you are good to others, you are good to yourself”.
Bill & Melinda Gates

But before Bill Gates, there was Rockefeller, who though ruthless and buccaneering in his acquisition of wealth, built a $500m Medical Research Institute and gave 1/6 of his wealth to charity before he died in 1937. So also was Andrew Carnegie who progressed from being a messenger to a steel magnet and our own Mobolaji Bank-Anthony whose philosophy was: what God gives you, give out of it to other people though he practiced anonymous philanthropy because the BOOK has admonished us ‘do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing’( Mt. 6:1-4). We also have Alfred Nobel,(1833-1896), the Swedish  chemist, inventor, entrepreneur and  manufacturer of armaments. After reading a pre-mature obituary condemning him for profiting from people deaths( a merchant of blood and death), he had a change of heart and bequeathed his wealth to the now famous Nobel Prizes…Peace, Literature et al
Alfred Nobel

2:Seeking the Kingdom Of God Through Serving And Giving

The life and teachings of Christ center on love.. For a start, his  manifesto centered on compassion for the marginalized:.. good news to the poor, freedom for prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind, free  oppressed and proclaim the good news( Lk,4:18-19). It is because of sacrificial love that  Christ willingly submitted himself to an agonizing, and humiliating death . Love is indeed, the center of Christianity and that is why the two greatest commandments are love of God and  neighbour (Mt,22:37). But the two commandments are actually one because those who have the capacity but fail to help their brethren cannot claim that they love God (1 Jn,3:17) and it is only a liar who can claim to love God whom he has not seen while hating his brother (1. Jn, 4:20). And Christ explains concrete love as selfless service of the first order as exhibited by the good Samaritan who rendered service without counting the cost, time, colour, tribe and convenience (Lk, 10:25-37.  When Oprah Winfrey,(worth about $4bn+) opened a $40m 1st class school for the South Africa poor,(January, 2007) she wanted to leave a legacy[she already had wealth and fame] and she proved ,  that brethren are not only those from our neighbourhood.  And the clincher-Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love which shows itself in action[1 Jn,3:18), or as our people would say , talk and do!.
Paul deepens and widens this perspective by saying that love is more important than miracles, faith, speaking in tongues and other signs of holiness and that, the greatest of them is love” (Ist. Cor;13:1-13). Some versions of the Bible actually use the word charity , which inter alia means that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favourably of their fellow man and to do them good”. Love is also related to service which is a sign of greatness: The greatest among you must be your servant (Mt, 23;11). We should also  not forget to do good and help others because it pleases God ( Heb,13:16)
Taking it from another angle, faith is the cornerstone of Christianity. The Bible tells us that  “No one can please God without faith (Hebrews.11:6). But even that faith becomes insignificant in the absence of good works.  “what good is it for someone to say that he has faith if his actions do not prove it?...  if faith is alone and includes no actions, it is useless(James, 2:14-17). That may be why we pray to God in the Catena toGrant us a lively faith animated by charity…and to see and serve you in our neighbour”
Faithfully keeping the 10 commandments is necessary but not sufficient to secure a confirmed ticket to heaven. That is why Christ  advised the young rich him to get involved in charity,(Mt, 19:21). He keeps the whole commandments but lacks charity! This was also the message of John the Baptist who told the penitents that the only way out was to share their earthly possessions with the less fortunate (Luke,3:10-11). The rewards for charity may even start on this earth as in the case of Dorcas/Tabitha of Jopa who spent all her life doing good and helping the poor and this earned her some reprieve (Acts;9.36-41). And the Bible tells us that those who ignore the cries of the helpless may not be helped when they are in need. (Proverbs,21:13)
Our efforts so far have been to prove that the two innermost desires of men-and women too- can be achieved through serving and giving-in love and with love. These desires are to leave legacies ( favourable remembrance after death) and to make heaven. We have in effect addressed the issue of why we should undertake charity: to ensure that we are alive even when we are dead through our legacies and to  acquire our heavenly tenancy.

4:It Is Not Just Money, Structures And Individuals!

It is also imperative to stress that charity does not have to be in millions; that it must not be only by individuals, that one must not necessarily do it alone and that it must not be physical structures One can give his or her ideas and talents though in this era when we are fixated with cash, all else appear irrelevant.  The matter was settled by Peter when he said ‘Silver and Gold I do not have but what I have I give you’…( Acts,3:6) and we all remember the contribution of the poor widow. But intangible donations are also important. After all, late  Fela and Fawehinmi  are  remembered for  using their profession to fight against injustice and speak truth to power. Furthermore, people can also give without building structures; by rendering services. From  this perspective service refers to the pure act of sacrifice borne out of love, which a person, group of persons or organization, renders to another without expecting any direct indirect, short or long-term benefits. The perfect example is the Good Samaritan in the Bible. It is voluntary and that is why Veronica performed a service when she wiped the face of Jesus but the same may not be said of Simeon who was conscripted by the soldiers to assist Jesus in bearing the cross (so that he does not die before reaching Calvary!).
 Luckily, this is happening during the Lenten period. Charity is the virtue by which we love God above all things for his sake and love others for God’s sake. Therefore all our religious devotions and charity are directed to the love of God and then our light will rise in the darkness, and the Lord will guide us always, satisfy our needs and we will be like a well-watered garden (Isaiah, 58:10-11). That is why Bishop Menaparampil admonishes us to Have preferential love for little attentions to the needy and simple service to the poor. Do not hunger for recognition and rewards; develop an eye for man’s basic needs. Do something concrete to help…


The only way to live a good life is to live a life of service to God and to man. Incidentally, since we cannot see and serve God directly; we can only see and serve Him through our neighbour.  The only way to live a meaningful life is to serve and the only way to serve is to live a meaningful life. Through charity to fellow men-and women- we get the best of both worlds. We leave intimidating legacies on earth and secure an irrevocable ticket to heaven. Through charity  we live, even after our death: on earth where people continue to remember us and in heaven where we have eternal fellowship with God. After all, to live in the hearts of those we love is not to die and the love of those we served selflessly is guaranteed! Even those who do not believe in God/heaven would wish to be remembered for their positive contributions to humanity and the surest route to this remembrance is service. That is why Panda  defines immortality as living our lives doing good things and leaving marks behind.

It is therefore imperative for us to live a life of charity. Charity is not all about money; we can give our time, we can give our labour; we can give our knowledge and we can give our connection. In whatever we do, wherever we are and whenever it is, we should live lives of charity; make ourselves available as instruments for advancing the common good. We should do whatever we do in the service of humanity and remember that when we serve man, we serve God
When should one start this life of serving and giving? The answer is simple-NOW! Today is the appointed time!(1 Cor, 6,2)  Do not leave for tomorrow, what you can do today because tomorrow may never come; procrastination is one of the greatest enemies of human progress. The story of the rich fool teaches us that even at the height of life, we are in the valley of the shadow of death!. We do not know the day or the hour while we have been warned not to tell our neighbours to wait for tomorrow for what we can do today (Proverbs, 3:28). You do not need to be 60 neither do you need to be a Bill Gates.  After all, the Kenyan teacher, Brother  Peter of the Keriko Secondary School commits 80% of his salary to assist indigent students. The good news is that he won the 2019 Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Award with a prize of $1m!

Just go out NOW and do something  for the less-privileged. Do not wait for tomorrow!  JUST GO AHEAD AND DO IT! A  life of charity is the only way to be a real millionaire sinceyou are not a millionaire by having a million Naira; you are a millionaire by influencing a million people positively”-David Oyeyepo

 The CMO Trust Fund we are launching today is born out of the desire of the CMO of this parish to have a robust framework  through which the members of our community can be  empowered and supported. The CMO does not necessarily intend to be in a donatus-mode, sharing money here and there. Skills acquisition; manpower development , venture capital and welfare issues will be addressed through this fund. And as such, a person with a fabricating workshop, who undertakes to train some interested parishioners is already donating to the programme. Furthermore, like other trust funds, the CMO-TF will not spend the seed-money  we are raising today, on its activities. The seed-fund should be invested while the income therefrom is then used to pursue its objectives. That means that we have to raise enough money so that when invested, we shall have something meaningful to work on. Furthermore, it should not be a one-of thing; the most important thing is continuous addition to the seed-capital through continuous donations. Thus the person who donates N500,000 today can commit to further donating N50000 every year for life. This is  a very big amount but N50,000pa  is just N4000 monthly.  Little drops of water make an ocean and when we join hands together, we will be able to make an invaluable impact.



Since we started with some appetizers, it is also appropriate to serve some desserts and here we are. Stephen Grellet made a very emotional statement when he reminded all of us that:  

We shall pass through this world but once.

If therefore there be any kindness that we can show or any good that we can do,

let us do it now; 

let us not defer it or neglect it 
for we shall not pass this way again!

We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give (Churchill)  while Camara Laye  tells us that On this earth, man does nothing for any one nor does he do anything against anyone; he does everything for himself and anything against himself.


The individual good is sometimes better preserved, better actualized within the context of the common good…The individual good that we seek to have is diminished when the common good is not advanced!(Pat Utomi)  Chris Okotie tells us that Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself so that the concept of self-preservation is predicted on our ability to preserve others

The only way to live a good life is to live a life of service to God and to man. Incidentally, we cannot see and serve God directly; we can only see and serve Him through our neighbour. This concept of neighbour has no geographical, ethnic, linguistic, or racial coloration; our neighbour is every human being-even those whom we perceive as enemies.  Through charity, we get the best of both worlds. We leave intimidating legacies on earth and secure an irrevocable ticket to heaven.  After all, to live in the hearts of those we love is not to die and the love of those to whom we give selflessly is guaranteed! Even those who do not believe in God/heaven would wish to be remembered for their positive contributions to humanity and the surest route to this remembrance is charity. Let us always remember that when we are kind to the poor, we are lending  to the Lord, who will reward us in due course( Proverbs, 19:17) and that when we give, it will be given to us, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over… because the measure we used, will be measured to us( Lk,6: 38) .  Christ  declared  that Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them is like the sensible man who built on the rock(Mt,7:24).   One of the things we should listen to is that ‘whatsoever you do’… an admonition he gave just before his passion! We are all eager to seek, obey and love God, but  without faith it is impossible to please God,( Hebrews,11.6) However, faith without work is DEAD (James2: 14-25).

So lets  concretise our faith by the works we do. Let’s support the CMO-TF! And remember, whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren…


1. When I was hungry, you gave me to eat;
When I was thirsty, you gave me to drink.
Now enter into the home of My Father.

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, 
that you do unto me.

2. When I was homeless, you opened your door;
When I was naked, you gave me your coat.
Now enter into the home of My Father.
Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers,
 that you do unto me.

3. When I was weary, you helped me find rest.
When I was anxious, you calmed all my fears.
Now enter into the home of My Father.
Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers,
that you do unto me."
