TINUBUnomics 201: Management By IMPULSE(MBI)! - Ik Muo, PhD.

In my last intervention, I examined the queer  macroeconomic management template in which   oursnatch and run government’ tries to moderate inflation by adopting inflationary policies. Today, I want to highlight another refreshingly different  public policy management model designed and perfected by this government. It is the theory and practice of Management by Impulse, which should actually earn our dear BAT a place in Guiness Book of Records, which he has publicly craved for.

We are all used to Management by Objectives (MBO) as enunciated by the one and only Peter Drucker. I learnt about MBO  during my NYSC year( 1980/81)  at Government Secondary School Azare, Bauchi State, where I taught economics. Because I had all the time in the world, I also  fixed extra classes,  but the students were not so keen on; they saw it as  outright meddlesomeness. So,  I ‘killed time’ by reading novels, especially the African Writers Series, of which I was reading  as many as three daily.   I cannot recall any novel that took me more than a day. It was in the process of keeping myself busy that I devoured the five Drucker books (which I had bought at Ibadan) and that was how I came across MBO in his Practice of Management( 1954). You may wonder what a students of Economics had to do with novels and Druckerian books. Well, I read literature at HSC level and the Economics we studied at UI broadened our outlook and encouraged us to search for knowledge multidimensionally. By the way, I occupied a duplex as a corper at GSS Azare!  

Anway, when I decamped  from economics and banking to management, MBO became a  regular concept which I read, taught and critiqued. MBO is a strategic management model that aims to improve organizational performance by clearly articulating objectives agreed upon by managers and subordinates. It is an inclusive and consensus-oriented objective-setting process.  As the cacophony of management principles, thoughts and practices emerged, MBO appears to have taken a back seat.  However, it is down but never out because most of these Y2K complaint theories and concepts are just a rehash of the good old ones. It was at this stage that the present government came in and courageously introduced Management By Impulse. I must admit that I am not the author of MBI. I was introduced a long time ago by a friend, Dr Onwuzuruoha in an intellectual platform we both  belong  to.  What I am doing now is to  deepen the concept of MBI, and especially, its applicability in an emerging( or progressively-regressing) economy like ours. I am also not the first person to engage in this deepening business. I am just trying to follow the footsteps of Enis, who  deepened the concept of marketing 50 years ago ( Enis, BM( 1973), Deepening the Concept of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 37(4),pp57-62)

MBI is a practice  in which public policies are enunciated ‘as the spirit directs; on the spur of the moment. The architect or any design expert first goes to the drawing board before producing and showcasing the final product. However, under MBI, the government produces the final version before going to the drawing board.  It starts from the end, which is an adulteration of Habit 2 by Covey; start with the end in Mind.  Here, they just start from the end!!! Just imagine where somebody who wants to build a house starts from the roof! Even the surgeon does not open up the stomach before determining what he is looking for. She first of all determines what to look for, where it is situated and how to identify and ‘finish’ it before opening up the patient. Actually I met a doctor around 1994, in  the Masha axis of Lagos who offered to ‘open up’ my stomach and then search for  the forces responsible for the continuous  volcanic eruptions in my stomach. Of course, that was  my last visit to his clinic! MBI is akin to what I have always called ‘Thinking Through the Mouth’ (TTTM). Instead of thinking and properly articulating before mouthing it out, you mouth it out first before thinking and articulating what it actually is.  It is also called DBT( Doing before Thinking) or LAD( Learning After Doing). MBI has several advantages. It enables you to announce policies without any rigorous analysis; it is easy to practice, and at times, it earns you accolades from ‘the people’ and also from the international community. I will leave the reader to highlight the downsides of MBI!  

Having gone through the conceptual  and theoretical clarifications, and with the usual Front Page Analysis  as my methodology, I go straight  to presentation and discussion of findings. MBI was quintessentially applied in our contentious Students Loan Scheme. On June  12, 2023 the President, signed before the whole world, the Students Loan( Access to Higher Education) Act and announced gleefully that it would start in September 2023(9 months ago). In September, it was postponed and then  re-postponed to the extent that postponement became its baptismal  and confirmational names. However on 12/3/24, it was postponed indefinitely. The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND), Akintunde Sawyer,  told a bewildered nation and a coterie of stakeholders  that the  postponement was because  We are sort of waiting to ensure that all the stakeholders are aligned to make sure that nobody is blindsided, then we can actually roll this out in a meaningful, comprehensive, wholesome and sustainable way. So, why did they not plan properly so as to ‘roll this out in a meaningful, comprehensive, wholesome and sustainable way’? And why should it take them 6 months to realise that they acted just as the spirit directed? Well, within the succeeding  48 hours, another bill  on the same matter was presented to the NASS . It was The Student Loan (Access to Higher Education) (Repeal and Re- Enactment) Bill, 2024’, which sought to  enhance the implementation… by addressing challenges related to the management structure,.. fund eligibility requirements, loan purpose, funding sources, disbursement and repayment procedures!  Indeed, the entire bill was rewritten! Why did they not do the homework before mouthing the programme in 2023? Simply because that would be against the principle of MBI!!!

Meanwhile, the budget for the students’ loan programme was N5.5bn, 10bn, N50bn or N60bn, depending on your source. But the  Federal outlay  for  2024 hajj subsidy was N90bn; this excludes  subsidy by the various states, which usually become flamboyant once it comes to religion. You don’t need to ask what our priority is!

However, the students’ loan scheme, which has already been bungled before it started, is not the first policy that was midwifed under the MBI (or TTDM, DBT, LAD) template, though it is a perfect example. The numero-uno in the MBI ‘ecosystem’ is the fuel subsidy quagmire. The  president mounted the rostrum to read a formal acceptance speech after his snatch and run electoral victory. Such speeches usually take weeks to prepare, has cross-sectoral input and multidimensional content, thanks the people for reposing confidence on him and his party ( even when they did NOT) and outlines the agenda of the government. However on 29/5/23, BAT was seized by a unusual courage to declare that ‘subsidy is gone, a statement he admitted was not contained in his formal address. Well, today, subsidy is not only back, it is even alleged that what is being paid now is more than what we were paying before.  The promise to set up a committee on minimum wage was only given attention just the other day and has not yielded any fruits as I write. Or rather, it yielded a fruit that is worse that fruitlessness. Other subsidy-effect ameliorating strategies are yet to take effect, a year after the ‘elimination’ of fuel subsidy. Even the N35000 wage-award, which the FG announced without consultatiing the state governments, (most of which were not paying the extant wages) was unilaterally stopped by the same FG and which placed it on collision course with the now disorganized-organized labour.  And by the way, even though the fuel consumption was reported to have dipped, we are now spending more in fuel importation(as much as $2,16bn in 2 months).

How many of us remember that there was a time OAU Teaching Hospital, Ife had three Acting Chief Medical Directors, with two of them appointed within a week in July 2023? These were Prof O Adegbehingbe( Letter dated 22/6/23) Prof A Owojuwigbe( letter dated 27/6/24) and Dr A Adekunle who was appointed before these two. ‘The more the merrier’ does not apply in every situation! Maybe,  I think that it was a  deliberate strategic move: send  ALL the lobbyists to the field, let them fight it out and let the winner take it all.

I  hope we have not forgotten  the ‘yo-yo’ dance with the empaneling of the CBN board. The first nominee to represent the South East, Urum Eke,  flatly rejected the appointment,  saying that he was( and is) fully engaged with his multinational consultancy exploits. This simply means that the man was not consulted.  They had adopted the military model in which people were appointed or ‘de-appointed’  through Radio Nigeria( alias FRCN).Because we are in an era when everybody craves government  ‘come-and-chop’ appointments, they had assumed that the man would organize a thanksgiving party for the announcement. The government then announced Dr Rubby Onwudiwe as the replacement and immediately it was announced that her nomination would be withdrawn because  as some prominent APCians protested that ,she was  OBIviously OBIdient!  Her offence? She had tweeted that ‘It was a resounding victory for LP at my Lekki Polling Unit’( a VERIFIABLE truth that played out throughout Lagos). That was why people in the corridors of power complained about the ‘abnormality of appointing an opposition figure to serve at the Apex bank’. Is the CBN  board membership a political appointment?  I thought it is for knowledgeable independent-minded people!. Maybe  the dynamics have  fundamentally changed since Emefiele contested for APC presidential ticket.

 Urum & Onwudiwe; fine looking fellows

However talking of people with contrary political spirits,  this government appointed  Datti’s elder brother as an Adviser and  the VC of Datti’s  University as the  Minister of Education.  BAT is currently in bed with Fela Durotoyo; a ‘progressive’   Presidential Candidate, Michael Achimugu. a top Atiku fellow and Daniel Bwala who said  and wrote lots of unmentionable things about BAT and APC.   The Onwudiwe matter  was why  one, Emanual Aziken ( a columnist with  Vanguard) asked: ‘should BAT take  treatment from a Doctor who voted for PO’? I don’t think anybody bothered to respond to that question. Anyway, it is now an offence for people to express their political preferences  and those ‘shooting their mouths anyhow,( this does NOT include the Son of Man), should  know that there is ‘nothing for them’.  The point is that the  Onwudiwe matter  indicates that there was no  proper background check.

Talking about CBN issues, the other day, the FG arrested  Godwin Emefiele, who has turned into an emergency Bible-clutching pastor, as he was trying to sneak out of the country. During the trial-by media phase, he was, accused of 1001 offences including terrorist financing, gun running,   IPOBism and even eyeing some peoples’ wives!. However, when the ‘come came to become, when it came to charges, it was ‘surprise-surprise’ as they charged him with relatively harmless offences. Luckily. the loquacious uncommon Senator, Saint Godswill  Akpabio, the No3 man of Nigeria, has explained the scenario explicitly: The government is at a loss on what to charge him for: ‘we don't even know what to charge him with. “Whether to charge him for putting foam on top of a pail, or to charge him for illegal possession of firearms, or to charge him for printing notes... I don't know what we're going to charge him with.   However, the government  has decided to slam him with a three-count amended charge, which included unlawfully approving the withdrawal of N124.8 billion from the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation and disobeying the direction of law with intent to cause injury to the public during his implementation of the naira swap policy of the administration of former President Buhari Disobeying the direction of Law?  Me, I no be loya! He is also standing trial before Justice Hamza Muazu of the FCT High Court on a 20-count amended charge, for engaging in criminal breach of trust, forgery, conspiracy to obtain money by false pretence  et al. All these for one person head! Meanwhile, Justice Olukayode Adeniyi  had earlier awarded N100m damages in his favour and further restrained the federal government and its agents from arresting Emefiele unless an order was obtained through a competent court. This reminds me of Mustaphas case that got so complicated and prolonged that people eventually forgot what the offence was! Anyway, the government arrested him and locked him up and then set up  committee to determine  the offences to charge him with. Quintessential MBI.

In February 2024,  the Government established an Economic Advisory Team,  made up of some Federal, State and Private Sector  operatives. Before the people collected their letters of appointment and TOR,  the same government  established  the EMT Emergency  Taskforce. Those in the first group are also in the second committee. I am still wondering whether the second has nullified the first or if both of them are complimentary.  We are all  aware that we are now on the verge of implementing the 12 year-old Orosonye report. However this government has the largest cabinet in history and even created some new ministries. Why and how did he bloat the public service if he had intention of miniaturizing the same service?

It has just been reported by the Guardian ( 29/4/24), with VERIFIABLE evidence, that  the forex unification policy, alias Naira FLOATATION, which the ONLY private sector man who has also been in ALL the Governments in the past three decades, Aliko Dangote, has described  as the BIGGEST mess created in 2023, has also been surreptitiously  abandoned. However some of these mischievous netizens have just resurrected  his June 2015 advise to  remove the subsidy &crash the currency. One thing though, those of us who grew in the village  would remember those our hand-made kites of those days. These kites always had  restraining ropes to prevent them from going haywire. The only problem with this flotation business is that we floated the Naira without any restraining rope and that was/is why it is floating like mad.

The MBI model was also applied in the introduction and hasty cancellation of Expatriate Employment Levy(EEL). The EEL was launched on 28/2/24 but was suspended barely within a week of its operation.  Olufemi Adefulugbe  reviewed the fate of the EEL and concluded that The issues that led to the embarrassing suspension of the EEL are the same issues we saw with the implementation of subsidy withdrawal and floatation of the Naira. This government acts before it thinks; it puts the  cart before the horse. It continues to demonstrate grand incompetence in portfolio, change, strategic and executive management. He opined that the government introduced the EEL without taking the necessary preliminary steps, namely, gap& impact analyses, alternative solutions analyses , stakeholder analyses and engagement, and readiness assessment. For instance, he argued that if the government had undertaken the gap/impact analyses, it would have known that the EEL conflicted with our quest for the elusive foreign investment.( The suspension of EEL by Government of Nigeria; another demonstration of poor policy implementation by  Olufemi Adefgulugbe, Federalist Majority, 12/3/24;) When an individual names himself Federalist Majority in a non-federal setup, the only centralised federation in the world, then…) Funny enough, we are searching for foreign investments when those in Nigeria are closing shop, while those owned by Nigerians are seeing  renewed shege, including policy infidelity! I did not mention PZ and Landmark Beach!

Anyway, just as I started with a dramatic MBI case (Students loan scheme), I will also end with another dramatic MBI case. On Sunday,7/4/24. The FGN announced Tuesday and Wednesday( 9-10/4/24) as public holidays to mark the 2024 eid-el-fitr festival. On Tuesday, 10/4/24, the same FG  announced an extra one-day holiday of Thursday, 11/4/24.  Among others things, the announcement reiterated  ‘the president’s firm commitment to providing a safe and prosperous Nigeria for all to thrive’! An extra holiday in a country that has the highest number of holidays in the world, so as  to  make Nigeria safe and prosperous? A holiday that caught some of us unawares,  was  extended by 24 hours so that we would thrive, in an economy which requires all the work-hours we  can have so that we can actually thrive?

 Having discussed the conceptual framework and deepened  the theory and practice of MBI, and undertaken an extensive empirical review, I will now go on to the discussion of findings. According to Chinua Achebe, the bird, eneke-nti-oba,  has decided that since the hunters started shooting without aiming, he had decided to fly without perching. That is in the literary realm!   In  the practical realm, no hunter shoots without properly aiming. The hunter identifies the game, positions himself appropriately, aims and then ‘Bang’! He does not shoot before seeing and aiming at the animal or just  shooting widely into the bush and hoping to hit an animal. Doing that will even scare the animals. Which Pilot takes off before  ascertaining  the  fuel level, its destination, checking the weather conditions and obtaining the necessary technical and regulatory approvals? It does not happen and will not happen. But that is what this government is doing: shooting without aiming or flying without checking the fuel gauge and then trying to convince ALL of us that  the country is doing wonderfully well and hiring some people to  ecstatically clap  for it.

Franklin Covey in his 7 habits  of highly effective  people advised  in Habit 2 that we should begin with the end in mind so that we should start with a clear understanding of the destination so as to better understand where we are now and ensure   that the steps we would take would be in the right direction. He did not advise that we should start from the end.  I think somebody read it and confused  starting with the end in mind  with starting from the end and that  is what has landed this government, and all of us where we are today.

The only person who has advised people to shoot first and aim later is O’Reilly( The Entrepreneurial Instinct, Chapter 2, www.oreilly.com). I don’t know the number of entrepreneurs that have made it big by adopting this weird  strategy and certainly no political CEO has tried or should try this. This appears to be what we are trying to do. We have been accused of criticising without suggesting alternatives. This does not need any recommendation but if they need it, it is simple: think through, build scenarios, undertake programme impact analysis and consult widely before you announce and implement. If there is a spirit from the village( in Lagos or Osun?) that gives him the false courage to announce what he has not fully articulated,  he should please  assemble ALL the dibias from that village to BIND that spirit! I have SPOKEN!


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Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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