The Absurdity and ‘Ludicrousity’ of these Constituency Projects!!! - Ik Muo, PhD.


At times I am better able to express myself when I ‘manufacture’ my own English words. As for the original English language, ‘e get as e be’!  It is confounding enough! There is ‘thief’ but there are no ‘thiefs’; it must be thieves!  They have wife but no ‘wifes’; it must be wives! There is musician but they grudgingly acknowledge academician; it is rather, ‘an academic’!  They have ships but there are no ‘sheeps’  and  while adultery is a religious or moral  infraction committed by adults, infantry has nothing to do with infants!   What of ‘choir’,  instead of straightforward ‘qaya’ or ‘kwaya’?  In Nigeria political arena, you can  shamelessly and fraudulently decamp  from a party,  under which  you campaigned and obtained the votes, to another party,  provided you can prove that there is  crisis in the  former party. The crisis may  just be that the  Secretary dd not greet the Chairman properly  at  a caucus meeting.  ‘Corollarily’, because the English language cannot put its house in order, because it is in crises, I am at liberty to create my own version and even register and obtain copyright for same!  All this circumlocution is because  I feel so  pissed off by  this ‘constituency project’ business, and particularly the weird nature of some of them   to the extent that I believe that absurdity is not enough. I therefore   decided to  strengthen it with ‘ludicrousity’, instead of ludicrousness, which is the right word.

 All    over the democratic world, even in pseudo-democracies or pretend-democracies, the principal duty of the legislature is law-making. They make laws for the individual and collective wellbeing of their constituents but  this has to be with an inclusive  and holistic mindset  because there are different constituencies with different challenges and peculiarities.  There greatest law -making responsibilities are in constitution making and budgeting, which does not include padding gymnastics. The also have  oversight  and public petitions responsibilities. There may well be other ancillary responsibilities.

 In Nigeria however, because this is Nigeria, a nebulous concept has  emerged  and  reached  to the very top of legislative  agenda and discourse .  That term is the constituency project( CP), the legislative version of palliatives.  This has become so  relevant that legislators now  assess themselves in terms of CPs and they have so thrown it at the face of the people that  it is now foolhardy to discuss legislative performance without talking about CPs. Unfortunately and sadly, in the process, the primary assignments of the legislators take backseat, that is if they are mentioned at all.

There is something wrong with the concept because project  allocation and execution ordinarily belong to the executive realm. But that is a minor matter. The major matter with the theory and practice of constituency projects is that most of the daylight thievery in the National Assembly is routed through the constituency projects. And while those who attract roads and the like, will  honest enough to indicate attracted by ‘so so and so’, those who give out things like refrigerators, motorcycles or burial materials will act as if  they were  funding them from their personal pockets.   Beyond the iniquity that pervades the entire process, the inequitable sharing of the spoils cries to heaven  for vengeance because the leadership and ‘ranking’ members voraciously corner all that there is and leave the crumbs for the legislative jambites. And these others complain, not because of all the shenanigans but because  they were cheated in the sharing and their constituents will grade them as failures since there are few things to eye-mark!

For instance, in the 2024 budget the Ministry of Agriculture allocated  multibillion  Naira 280 projects in Akpabio’s North-West Senatorial constituency.  Most of these projects were not only extra-budgetary, they fell outside the core mandate of the Ministry and included ICT centers, freezers, school equipment, royal palaces and police stations.   The other parts of the state shared only 15 projects (as opposed to 280 given to Akpabio).  The source for these largesse  was ‘the insertion of  projects worth N632bn  into the Ministry of Agriculture’s budget, raising
its capital budget from N332bn to N963bn’.
Budg-IT argued that this type of skewed off-budgetary allocations could stall economic growth. The Ministry of Women Affairs also  allotted  N2.5bn(out of its budget of N10.027bn) for deep-freezers  and generators to the same Akpabio’s  Constituency. Lucky they! In the last budgeting cycle, the number of freezers cornered by Akpabio for his constituents, may  be enough to serve the whole households in the Gambia!!!

However, the  BIGGEST problem with these constituency projects is the demeaning, dehumanising and insulting types of items   procured and donated by some of our ‘legislooters’ or ‘legislathieves’.  This topic has been in my pipeline for more than 5 years, and would have remained there for a while longer had not Senator Hanga stirred the hornet’s nest by  openly and proudly donating burial materials to his constituents. These items were made up of white fabrics and clay-pots used for  Muslim burials. This according to him was in response to frequent requests for burial assistance  by his people. So, they should die and go in peace, and particularly without disturbing his busy schedules? Keeping ethnocentrism out of it, the way I understand  this is equivalent to distributing caskets to constituents and in my part of the world, this is loathsome and abominable. This morbid gesture is the most weird of all constituency projects executed in Nigeria and even beyond. Giving your constituents burial materials as constituency project merits a place in the Guinness Book of Record and my NGO,  Muo_Unlimited will push   vigorously for it!  I note  that this burial-support  politics is very popular up-north because at a certain time,  Governor Bala Mohammed   accused his predecessor, of spending between January and May, 2019, well over N2.3bn on funeral materials, dresses for wrapping dead bodies and the woods that you lace the graveyards with.” His predecessor proclaimed his innocence, saying it was  just 1.2bn,not N2.3bn,!

And just last week,   Hon Sarkindaji, the Speaker of Niger State House of Assembly decided that the best thing he could do for his  teenage female constituents as number 3 man in the state was to  marry-off 100 of them, who are said to be orphans, to willing  or unwilling husbands. He  proudly assured that their comfort as new wives has been taken care off.  He did not think of their formal education, he did not think of vocational education, he did not encourage them to go into farming or agricultural commerce. He just married them off, some of them as the nth wife in this precarious economy.  And I am sure it was not a willing buyer-willing seller market! It was just like senator Hanga who did not think of improving the health services infrastructure so that they would not have to die so carelessly in the first instance. 

I have tracked this issue for a long while and here are  some award winning Constituency Projects in town.  I will crave your indulgence to determine the winner of the gold-medal award in CP, the one with the highest tokenistic-quotient.  Daniel Ukpera, a Benue Politician  donated ropes to ‘his people’, with which to tie their goats.  Note that he did not provide the goats; just the ropes for the goats! In 2022, an Honourable Councillor donated 2 plastic mats to the Sadad Community in the Kebbe LGA of Sokoto. And he was so happy with himself that he pictured and posted this act of unapparelled legislative generosity.  Maigari Bello-Kasimu, representing Jalingo/Yorro/Zing Federal Constituency in Taraba State upped the ante by donating wheelbarrows to the poor who hitherto hired these one-wheel vehicles on daily basis.  In August  2021,Hon. Evangelist Margaret Inde, the Chairman of Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, empowered pilot farmers each with a hoe, cutlass and one tuber of yam. Just ONE tuber of yam.

In July, 2021,Umar Muda Lawal , representing Toro Federal Constituency of Bauchi State in the green chamber,  donated 10  deep wells( not boreholes!) to his constituents and boldly announced same in his Twitter account( now X): ‘This time we are going outside the box to construct 10 Deep wells in 10 rural towns and villages of Toro LGA. Because traditional wells are often more reliable and last longer than any modern small-scale water supply system. Most wells today are centuries old and still working.” An excellent justification. His people  should go back to the  ‘hygienic and sustainable’ deep-well days while he is in Abuja enjoying water from integrated water treatment systems. On July 9 2021, Senator  Oriolowo of Osun West in the 9th Assembly unveiled an Airtel Mast at Ago-Owu Farm Settlement  as a constituency project, saying it exemplified APC fidelity with promises. I wondered why Airtel did not sue him for this public, barefaced conversion

Earlier in 2018,an unknown  member of the Federal House of Representatives from Borno State, empowered over 5,000 youths with  bags of oranges and  new improved shoe shining kits, fully equipped with polish and brush.   He had no vision for them to grow beyond shoe shining! I thought this was an indigenous thing until I came across a Kenyan politician, Rebecca Lomong, of the  Baringo County,  who donated a single,( just one) self-branded pot, ( popularly called sufria)to a primary  school in Kenya and ensured that it was fully ‘camera’ed’. And then, Hon Protazio Baumusa, MP for Ndorwa East in Uganda repaired( just repair) a wooden, makeshift bridge and proudly announced  on X that  People in Ndorwa East can now use the  Rubira bridge which I recently repaired! However, there was one unusual constituency project  in 2022when  a member representing Anambra East & West Federal Constituency, Hon Obidigwe took 40 of his constituents to Egypt for training on dry-season farming. It appears he did not see what his colleagues have been doing

Somebody had noted that As more Nigerians face economic hardship and wallow in poverty, largely occasioned by corruption, politicians further insult the populace with the donation of such ridiculous and bizarre items as so-called economic empowerment or welfare packages. That is the saddest part of it; the ruling class will wilfully push people into poverty and then make a jest of that poverty by presenting miserable items to them for empowerment.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs Uju Kennedy-Ohanye, who donated 25% of her Ministry’s budget to Akpabio or to Akpabio’s constituency, has petitioned the Inspector General of Police and  gone to court to seek an injunction to stop the Speaker of Niger State House of Assembly, Hon Sarkindaji, from marrying off the 100girls, which he is planning to do on May 24. She has also promised to  GO TO COURT if the speaker failed to un-speak what he had spoken!  And the girls have become lucky as she has promised that her Ministry will take care of their education, technical training or other forms of empowerment henceforth. I hope they will accept the offer! But the speaker has lambasted the Minister! After all, he is not the first to organise similar weddings in that clime.  Let’s see how this ‘eyeball to eyeball’ scenario will go!

As indicated earlier, I am  craving  your indulgence to identify the best CP from the above list. This should exclude that of Obidigwe! Please, voting should start now on the ‘best’, actually the most weird constituency project, with the highest tokenistic quotient. Send to or 08033026625 . Winners will jointly receive as their prize, one, just one, of my textbooks, which they should share as they wish!  Thy may share it in bits or rotate it on hourly basis amongst themselves or digitalise and share online. I believe that this is even better than some of these Constituency Projects!

Sometimes ago, a frenemy ‘poked’ me for describing Nigeria as a country suffering from progressive regression.   Fellow debaters, impartial judges and accurate timekeepers, I hope that with these two cartoons, I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that my assertions are in good faith and supported by other VERIFIABLE authorities.

The Eagle has Landed.

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Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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