BVAS & IREV: The Game-Changers that Could NOT change the game! - Ik Muo, PhD.


Academically I am an  Organisational Behaviour specialist,  with emphasis on Change Management. However. Customer Relations Management ( CRM)is an area that has been of great interest to me for  ages. It is an area where I  have trained and consulted for a long while and where I can pontificate on without any prior  notice. After all said and done, the core issue  in CRM or indeed  general stakeholder management is  the Biblical injunction in Matthew 5:37: Let your yea be yea and let your nay be nay.  In our modern day parlance, this implies  say what you mean, mean what you say and go ahead to do it. This in tune with the good old TQM maxim of DWYSYWD( Do what you said you would do).  All this brings to the fore  the dangers of overpromising and underdelivering .  Customers will prefer a promise of 20% that yields 19-21%  to one of 90% that delivers 30%, despite the fact that 30% is far more than the 20%. When you over promise and under deliver, when you do not say what you mean or vice versa, when you yea is not your yea and vice versa, you have failed the maxim of dictum mean pactum( my word is my bond). You have  destroyed the trust, which is central to  customer, stakeholder or interpersonal relations.  You have also created a crises of expectations because you have raised their expectations and consequently, people expected more than you offered. For customers, this leads to disgruntlement, disloyalty and defection

Since 1999,  each electoral cycle has become progressively worse than its preceding one with visible signs and wonders and operations shock and awe by  politicians who have no regards for  the basics of  democracy. Results  were allotted and written in hotel rooms and announced while people were still on the queues. Ballot box snatching and destruction, bloodletting and mayhem became the order in what somebody has termed agberocracy. People who  obviously  scored scanty votes were returned with overwhelming majority  leading the people to wonder: who voted for them? Professional godfathers emerged to the extent that one fellow declared himself the godfather of all godfathers, installing all the political office holders in Anambra State. The electorate, the umpires, security agents and at times, some candidates  were financially induced to look the other way or to get directly involved in truncating the will of the people.

Consequently, INEC decided to deploy technology to minimise deliberate  undesirable human interference in the system  and that was how BVAS was ‘born’; a  software that promised and still promises a seamless and sure process between accreditation, voting, result collation and announcement, without manipulation.  BVAS was a local-content programme  developed by  Chidi Nwafor, an IT guru from Anambra State who was mysteriously transferred from the IT department to Enugu as an Administrative Secretary. Billions in hard currencies, including the Naira, were deployed to  perfect and procure the software with the supporting hardware. In the past two months, Naira has become a hard currency. If in doubt, go to your village and see how people are dying of hunger and want, not because they are poor but because their wealth was seized through deliberate demonetisation in pursuit of a policy with  opaque objectives by a government where the operating philosophy is everybody for himself!

INEC assured us that BVAS was a solution to all  electoral  banditry’ and allied shortcomings,  that they had perfected it and had the will to deploy it so as to shame  the political buccaneers who want to acquire and retain power without regard to the laws of the land and the will of the people.  With BVAS,  snatching of  ballot boxes,  deliberate mis-recording  and manipulation of results,  missing result-sheets, and filling fake results would be of no use . By the time BAS was adopted in the off-cycle elections, especially in Ekiti and Osun, even the doubting Thomases agreed that BVAS was it. The belief  and trust in BVAS was so high that when a deliberately contrived overvoting occurred on Osun State, people mused ‘How Can  this be under BVAS ? But that was a forewarning that it was futile to expect the best of technology when the supporting human elements are defective, not because of human limitations but because of   cash-induced compromises.  Festus Okoye who appeared to have been created for a time like this, sold the BVAS to us as the ultimate and Nigerians so believed in BVAS that before long, it was named the Game-Changer, even by die-hard wailers, OBIdients and critics.

Sometimes in November 2022, some ‘unknown seers’ raised alarm that INEC had perfected plans to  abandon BVAS and its key component, the direct and  real-time upload of polling unit results to the I-REV( INEC Result Viewing Portal). Festus  Okoye roared and assured Nigerians that INEC could not score an own goal by undermining its own innovation, the BVAS & IREV, designed to ensure the integrity of election results, had come to stay. PMB also assured us unequivocally that he would deliver a credible, peaceful and transparent election as a parting gift to a disappointed nation.  Politicians so believed  these dual assurances  to the extent  that those who bought and warehoused PVCs  started offloading them at the  forests, riversides and soakaway pits , especially in River, Anambra and Lagos states.       Yahaya Bello, believing that BVAS would make rigging impossible, resorted to  crude method of destroying the roads in opposition strongholds to deny access to INEC personnel and materials. People believed that their votes would be counted and that they would count and they trooped out in millions, with indescribable enthusiasm to the polling units on 25/2/23.  Chukwumerije  Jnr  was at his polling unit for 24 hours to queue for  accreditation and voting,  counting  and uploading believing that he was performing a vital civic responsibility. There were similar stories of commitment, self-denial and faith in the process across the land. And then, it happened.

The accreditation aspect of BVAS worked well; some results were captured but that was where we met an apparently contrived dead-end. None of the 176846 PU results was electronically transmitted online or uploaded real-time to the IREV. We thus resorted to the stressful, emotionally draining  collation-center  model, where the political-actor, Dino Melaye re-enacted  what Segun Adeniyi described as the  Orubebeism of yore. Key political parties staged a work-out and addressed threat-filled press conference. As it was in 1999, we kept vigil for4 days and nights until, INEC, like a thief in the night, announced the results around 4am on the 5th day! And by then,  there were lots of signs and wonders, which the  twins of BVAS and IREV were expected to abolish. Wike, the GOC of River State, who ‘has a discernible carriage of a thug  with the noble responsibility of a high political office’ ( Dr Nwaezeigwe)  went around polling units inducing and coercing INEC operatives to mutilate results, some of which yielded  laughable outcomes due to the associated haste and tension.   Joseph Umuya, an LG chairman  in Kogi State was caught on camera destroying  ballot papers belong to candidates with contrary spirits while he was surrounded by police officers.

 Signs and wonders: Ballot destruction, multiple thumbprinting and suspicious  results

Police in Imo threatened  to withdraw the security attached to Prof Esimone of NAU because he did not play ball while Professor Ibrahim Yakassai of   BUK issued a statement stating that he announced the result of Tudunwada/Dogunwa HOR  election under duress as ‘they’ threatened to burn down the whole place if the doctored results were not announced within an hour. LP alleged that one of its agents signed the result sheet, AGP( at gun point). Some results were burnt or buried in the bush. Good old ballot destruction, box snatching, voter intimidation and wanton destruction and falsification of results became common place.  In the usual places, there was an abundance of underaged voters and voting, which we were assured had been cleaned out or would be disenabled at the polling center. Some results mysteriously migrated to other places as results for Sokoto found themselves in Rivers; some results of the presidential election were dated 20/2/23 while some results bore LP on top but APC below while Fashola was shown previewing  what looked like election results 5 days before the election. Dino Melaye reported that LP scored 70,000 in Wike’s LGA while INEC awarded it 3829 while PDP situation room reported that LP garnered 983069 votes in Lagos, double of what it was ‘allotted’ by INEC.   A female NYSC member was caught  indulging in massive thumbprinting while another female Professor was caught  concocting election results in one obscure corner of the voting facility

It was sad; a disappointment of gargantuan proportions that the acclaimed game-changers could not change the game,  or changed it negatively.  The game-changers also chose whether, where and when to change the game positively, negatively or leave it unaltered because the NASS results fared relatively well. INEC supported by PMB overpromised and under delivered with the consequential crises of expectations. They did not do what they said they would do and their yea was not their yea. Washinton Post stated that they raised the hopes about the elections and its transparency and then dashed them  The Southern and Middlebelt Leaders Forum regrated that The conduct of INEC on… compliance to electoral act on electronic transmission of results has unfortunately created very serious mistrust between the electorates and INEC and the Chatham House reported that  Presidential election was not  conducted in line with INEC guideline; failed to adhere to its guidelines, especially the one bordering on real-time uploading of results Chatham House.  The NLC condemned the vile activities of individuals associated with some parties and in utter collusion with INEC officials and security agencies to subvert the will of the people.

INEC had  blamed technical glitches but one of my friends who is knowledgeable in these things   informed that the Amason Web services  GUARANTEES 99.9%  uptime, that the server would have been shutdown deliberately and that AWS can provide details of who shut it down and when.  There were also stories flying about in the ubiquitous Socia Media that the  INEC system was jammed by one fellow who hitherto worked with Lagos State Government.  Meanwhile INEC had  suspended  the Sokoto REC, Dr Nura Alli and replaced some other officials as it prepared or the  State elections. The DSS allegedly arrested Chijioke Uzochukwu, the Abia-State REC, for absconding from duties. On the other hand, the disappointed electorates have reacted in diverse ways. Some have  vowed never to vote again because contrary to assurances, their votes were not counted and did not count. Others decided to vote massively in protest against the answer-to-question ‘shenaniganists’.  Another set decided to deploy security dogs to save themselves  at the polls but the police which could not ban Oluomo et al from the polling centers have  risen to the occasion by banning dogs from the Polling Units.

       Dogs to the rescue                                                 PVCs discovered at Olodi Apapa, Lagos

My concern here is how the  acclaimed game-changers  failed to change the game and for now , I have no comments on the elections in general. I am however gladdened  by the assurance given by Lasisi Olagunju  that whatever the case, it would not be the worst in history. He premiered this assurance on 1927 Liberian election in which the incumbent Charles DB King garnered  234000 votes out of 15000 registered voters while his opponents scored 9000! He also recalled that  the candidate  awarded the crown by INEC got less than 10% of registered voters and 4% of Nigerians.

Meanwhile, ECOWAS has concluded arrangements to honour PMB in recognition of his achievements in the defence and promotion of democracy in the Ecowas subregion; he has done more than any other to support democratic governments in WA and waging battles against the emergence of non-democratic regimes.  The APC has described the national elections as ‘The most transparent and peaceful’ stating that  the ‘electronic transmission of results is  not compulsory and told Obi & Atiku,  Lets meet at Court.   Of course, INEC has asked those not satisfied with its pronouncements to go to court. Well, an  East African proverb  said-long before this period that  whenever a thief encourages you to go to court, then know that his elder brother  is the judge and that the only person who rejoices after a successful robbery operation is the robber. Soldiers from the  9th  Brigade recovered 1691 PVCs and some ballot papers at Olodi Apapa axis of Lagos two days before the rescheduled gubernatorial elections. A Court  has just sanctioned the use of temporary PVCs for the elections though INEC said that this order was against the electoral act. Advance copies of the gubernatorial election results were allegedly discovered  somewhere in  Sokoto, a week to its scheduled date.

  Onye-Igbo1; skilled governor and reconfigured N200

In my last  intervention, I drew your attention to the presence of some emergency Igbo folks in Lagos. Now, here is the big one among them, The governor of Lagos state. I assume that  as the first citizen of the state, his title must be the onye-Igbo1 of Lagos. But I wonder what value this will add now that nd’Igbo are subjected to xenophobic demonisation, attacks and intimidation under his watch, a demonisation that extends to  a son of the soil, just because  he is our nwaadiana!  But the mother of the dancing senator is also our Nwadiana! And Fani Kayode has just joined Igbophobic  crowd, forgetting that he has 5 small soldiers, or IPOBians from his Igbo wife! Dr Adelakun has also just reminded ‘them’ that you cannot threaten people to either vote for you( or they get harmed) and then turn around to complain that they are ungrateful because they voted for your opponents (whom they expect would protect them from your harassment. And then I just chanced on these insignificant developments: One Anthony Chinasa-Abiola is SERIOUSLY and freely campaigning to represent the good people of Umuahia  Central at the Abia House of Assembly. Secondly, one Alhaju Addul Ezechinudu Olahan has just been installed as the 3rd Oba of Awka, a town where  migrated to at the age of two, 68 years ago.

 Oba of Awka……..                                     Anthony Chinasa-Abiola FFK and our umu-nwadianas

By the way, I have just  learnt a trick from INEC and APC: I have  transfigured  and converted N200 note  to N2m, gave it to my creditor and asked him to go to court  just as some mischievous fellows have also told Orji Uzor  Kalu who lost his phone in the certificate of return presentation ceremony to Go to Court.

Please remember that are people are still suffering from the  government induced cash crunch. The buyers do not have cash and the sellers have no bank account for transfers and so… no business

Please,  whatever the case, go out and vote on 18/3/23. This will surely come to pass!

Now available for N10000 (+ delivery within Nigeria) or N7500 on a pick-up basis.  Call 08037056750, 08037116817 or 08033026625

 Ik Muo, PhD. FCIB. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026624

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