Malami: A Tribesman suffering from Acute Inclusiveness Deficiency Syndrome … Osakwe @80 - Ik Muo, Ph.D.


President Buhari found (and still finds)  Abukakar Malami  as the most suitable Nigerian, in learning and character, as his MOJAG  (Minister of Justice & Attorney General) for this beleaguered nation. The Senate agreed with him and that is that. In the field where I operate, people ordinarily only examine candidates in their fields of expertise. Since I am not learned, I will not comment on his pure judicial activities, but I can comment on his applied actions and that is what brings us where we are.

The Greeks of old, great thinkers (philosophers) and writers, ( who knew  and spoke authoritatively of  almost everything) reportedly classified humanity into 3: idiots, tribesmen and citizens. This study is underpinned by the  Tribesmen theory, which forms the Theoretical Framework of this study. I will therefore leave Idiots( and there are lots of them around) and citizens( who are as scarce as genuine pastors) out of this discourse.  I will start with conceptual clarifications. Tribesmen are people who approach every issue and relate with everybody  from  a tribal prism. Thus, people are only human, trustworthy and worthy of respect and dignity, if they are from the same tribe, which in this instance also applies to religion , colour and may be, even profession or club.  Issues, policies, (whether national or global) and discussions  are also viewed from a tribal mindset. Inclusiveness and diversity are the opposite sides of the same coin. Diversity is a recognition of our differences (both internal and external) while inclusiveness is the optimisation of diversity by ensuring that the diverse peoples are (or feel) welcome respected, valued  and treated with dignity.  Many people do not understand or do not care  about inclusiveness. However, it is ‘denjalos’ (as Pastor Indaboski  would say), when one suffers from Acute Inclusiveness Deficiency  Syndrom, ( AIDS) especially   in a diverse environment like ours. When the person who suffers from AIDS is also a tribesman and   holds a sensitive position as Chief Law officer of the Federation, then, we are in for trouble. Malami suffers from these two severe ailments and thus anybody who is so afflicted is suffering from the Malami syndrome.

 Our people say that it is only a tree that hears that it would be ‘killed’ and still fails to run for cover. On 11/5/21, the Southern Governors, irrespective of party, religious and tribal affiliations, considered the existential threats to their people by  an assortment of herdsmen( Fulani, non-fulani, foreign and local) issued the Asaba Declaration, the core of which is the ban on open grazing. I believe that the declaration came a little bit late but our people also say that whenever  you wakeup becomes your morning. They should have done that when the cows had the audacity to invade our schools, take over the clasrooms and displace students, as it happened at Ohovbe Primary School, Ikpoba,  Edo State on 7/6/17 and Nwafor Orizu College of Education Demonstration School, Nsugbe on 13/7/17( See Ik Muo, Ehi Goes to School, July, 2017).

Cows  go to school: arrive & displace the pupils, take their  seats and departure after classes!

Of course, they had invaded the airports, occupied our roads and destroyed our farms and these were even before the murderous and land-grabbing dimensions set in. Anyway, they issued the Asaba Declaration and that was when Malami displayed his AIDS by comparing open grazing to the selling of spare parts; a reference and unveiled threat to those who sell spare-parts(SP) all over the West-African coast!

The MOJAG said it violated the constitutional provision of freedom liberty of movement. I read it 1001 times to make sure I got it right. I waited for the usual rebuttals, (quoted out of context et al) but I did not hear any. When a person who equates humans and cows is our MOJAG, then we are in REAL trouble. It is one of the reasons where Nigeria is where it should NOT be! And the presidency supported him, saying that the pronouncement is of doubtful legality, act of politicking and demonstration of power. The presidency eventually clarified the statement but the damage has been done. Actually, it is finished!

I believe that Malami spoke before he thought! He was in effect asking our elected governors how dare you? Why should you complain about the murderous  destructive and divisive  activities of my brothers. If not, how can one compare open grazing and the associated evils( murder, rape, destruction of farms, arson) with  spare parts trading? How many SP traders go along with AK47, murder, rape, forcefully acquire land and displace the owners? While  SP group acquire land, build houses pay taxes, develop the society and operate opendentially, some of those open-Grazers operate in the forests, do not contribute to the economy, do not contribute to the development of the communities, and occupy land by fire by force.

Malamis position is weird and it is only in Nigeria that a lawyer (I think he is a SAN) and MOJAG can make such a statement. How do I explain to my children that Governors  who can decide how we drive and where  we park our cars,  where and when markets should be/open, where we can build houses, how we manage our pets and where we can slaughter animals,  when we can go out or be quarantined, when schools, including private ones can open or close and even where we can be buried, CANNOT decide how cows should be reared and transported and that cows should not be competing with us for spaces in the high ways.  And the land-use act has given these governors  control of land in their states! This is alu & mpu!( abomination and impunity).

    8400 bottles of beer recently confiscated in Kano                                            

And this is in a country where under the watch of the MOJAG, his prothers banned the selling of alcohol and authorised its hypocritical  religious police to regularly destroy the alcoholic wares of hustling Nigerians who do genuine business, who registered their businesses and pay both official and unofficial taxes. I lived in the North for 9 years and I  know those who consume those assorted liquors.

 In any case, Justice Adewale Thomson  banned open grazing in 1969 for being inimical to peace and tranquility; repugnant to natural justice and equity; the northern governors had  banned open grazing because it is not sustainable and the Kano state Governor has just declared that open grazing MUST stop in the interest of peace, unless we are ruled by ethnic sentiments. The Kano State Police had also directed  that Fulani herdsmen coming into Kano State must get clearance from the police command of the state they are leaving for Kano, while  Tiaminu Yakubu had argued unequivocally that open-grazing is harmful, even to the North just  Governor Masari of Kastina state says it is unIslamic . The Arewa Consultative Forum sees the Asaba Declaration as a decision taken in the best interest of all and that no society can tolerate a situation where herdsmen would enter any farm,  watch their cows eat up the crops, and rape or kill anyone raising objections.

 But Malami is not the only one suffering from this new variant of AIDS, prevalent for now only in Nigeria. He has good company in the Myetti Alah which, clothed with imperious impunity described the Southern governors as jokers and directed its members to ignore the orders of the governors, while one of their partners in impunity, the Fulani Jihadist Movement gave the governor of Delta State 72 hours to withdraw its support for the Asaba Declaration. Why Delta in particular?  There is also one Kawu Sumaila,  a former presidential Aid declared that  right-thinking Nigerians would not endanger their lives by supporting the candidature of any Igbo for presidency in 2023. Another co-traveller of his  Mustapha,  said that Igbos  can NEVER rule Nigeria no matter how they try andSenator  Bulkachiwa is the opinion that Igbos deserve death, not presidency( where is Lai; the monitor-in-chief of hate-speech) Senator Abdulahi Yahaya, the Senate Leader said that we cannot ban open grazing without the endorsement of the President and consent of  Myetti Allah. There is also the federal Ministry of Agriculture which built a N30m mosque for displaced herders, or Sokoto Government, which approved N155m for the propagation of Islam in a multi-religious, multiethnic country, that has no state religion. These are all suffering from the new AIDS; they are setting the country on fire and at the same time arguing that Nigerian unity is non-negotiable. But the BOOK says that no two people can travel together unless they have agreed to do so( Amos,3.3)


Well, a bad system doesn’t appear wrong to those who benefit from it. They do everything to defend it to the detriment of the larger society. However, our people say that whoever is sent on a thieving operation by his father does so with unbridled audaciousness. I don’t blame Malami; I blame his oga who would have  given him a pat in the back, saying well-done  my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Meanwhile, kudos to the Nigerian security forces for rescuing some of the Kebbi kidnappees. But while some of the kidnappees were still under the clutches of the criminal gangs, they were able to rescue 800 cows. I thought they would have completed the human rescue efforts before turning attention  to cows. That is just my thought!

JC Osakwe at 80

My friend, Sir JC Osakwe is 80. In a country where life expectancy is 55, where life has turned nasty brutish and short, where people  are being neutralized at a faster rate than during the Biafran war, it is a very BIG news indeed. He has gone beyond the life expectancy of 55 in Nigeria, beyond the Davidic age threshold of 70, and the Jeremiah boundary of 80, an age reserved for those whom God loves. He is now on his way to the Ezekiel  era of 120.   I was a small-boy banker  when JC joined the Training School of CCB. He was urbane, cheerful, knowledgeable and has this disarming smile that made one want to agree with him. And up to this moment, he still retains those qualities, including his ever-present disarming smile. At 80, he is still intellectually and mentally alert, physical agile still and able to contribute to community development.  JC is a jolly good fellow and I wish him all the best.  As a way of giving back to the society, I have given him two simple assignments; just 2! To share with us his experiences in the past 80 years (80 experiences in 80 years) and to give us nuggets on how to live up to 80 in good multidimensional health and peace of mind.

Ik Muo, Ph.D. Dept of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye. 08033026625

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  1. The Nigerian minister of justice and attorney general of the federation has actually gone far in fashioning for himself and his ilks, negative and dangerous historical mark of being the federal chief law officer who takes delight in turning the laws upside down.
    Either he does it for tribalistic, jihadistic or non-sufficiently informed reasons. Yes, non-sufficiently informed because he could have been one of those who scored 90 in JAMB to read Islamic law and in cause of time has emerged the chief law officer of our dear country. And of course by way of FEDERAL CHARACTER.
    This is a mischief or misfit chief law officer of the federation who advised his principal to go to where the nation's lawyers converged to tell them, the country and the world at large that national interest takes presedence over the rule of law.

  2. Is Malami really a lawyer ? If yes, which university did he attended and what was his JAMB score ? Was SAN conferred on him based on his legalistic prowess or on quota system or emirate list? His pronouncements as the chief law officer of Naija are always tangential to that of eminent jurists. One wonders how many cases he successfully defended in court before he got his SANship. Hmmm. This can only happen in Naija.

  3. Malami's matter is not limited to tribesmen syndrome but as well a case of 'who pays the piper dictates the tune'. Also, all those 'ignoramus ' contending with the Asaba Declaration are 'cowfessional illiterates'.

    HBD to the legend, many happy returns in good health and sound mind.

  4. Well done sir..... Please don't forget to share us his 80 experts in 80years when he finally release it... HBD to him 😀


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