China became independent in 1949, 11 years before Nigeria and for a
while, both countries had a lot in common: they belonged to the league of underdeveloped countries, they housed the
poorest of the poor, were regional
powers both in size and might, generally classified as economically backwards.
But even though both were underdeveloped, Nigeria’s economy was more buoyant
than that of China and as at 1964, the Per Capita Income(PCI) for China was
$84.4 while it was $113 for Nigeria.
October 1 also happens to be the independence day of both countries. That was
purely coincidental. Over the years however, both countries have ‘parted ways’
as they drifted apart, positively for China and unfortunately, negatively for
Nigeria. The gap has so widened as those
things that held them together have all but vanished. China is now a global
power while Nigeria, which was the force behind African liberation, is now
begging Chad et al to liberate it from the clutches of Bokoharam et al.
Economically, China, with a PCI of
$10,000 gets worried whenever its growth rate goes towards 10 % while Nigeria,
with a PCI of $2033 is celebrating a mythical growth rate of 2%. Nigeria is now
the poverty capital of the world with 47% of its population living in poverty ,
(a number more than the poor in China & India), while the % in Chana is just
0.2%. Because birds of the same feather
flock together and China now ‘flocks’ with its fellow big-men, Nigeria, struggling
on all dimensions is ‘flocking’ with its fellow poor and distressed countries.
However, they still have October 1
as a rallying pointy and it appears that the two countries under their present
leaderships, have resolved to go beyond
the mere coincidence of October 1 to a
relationship as deep as the Catholic Marriage, a covenantal relationship. All
legally binding relationships are contractual in nature and all or any of the
parties can say easily ‘I no do again’! The only exception
is the Catholic marriage, which lasts ‘till
death do us part’. That is why it is a
covenant, not a contract. This conditionality ought to apply all Christian
marriages but this has become doubtful following the spate of divorces (at
times multiple) by several self-acclaimed men of God! And while
the marriage covenant is a union of equals and ‘till death do us part’
The China-Nigeria marriage is a union of unequal’s and it is Till DEBTS Do Us Part!
As Laertes was
embarking on a trip to Paris, his father, Polonius warned
him thus “Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend’. In effect, he warned his son
against lending to or borrowing, from a friend because he would most likely
lose both the money and the friend (Julius Caesar, Hamlet). However, despite this well-reasoned injunction, Nations, organisations and individuals
still continue to borrow. The key
issue in lending, beyond the bankers’ 3Cs( Character, Collateral and
Competence) is that the loan be self-liquidating. Nigeria was battling with a
suffocating debt burden until the
Obasanjo Government achieved the miraculous feat of debt write-off. Debts have
however returned to the front-burner of economic discourse in Nigeria. It has
moved from N12.6 trn in December 2015 to N25trn+ in June 2019( more than 100%)
in June 2019; the % of our GDP that goes to debt servicing is more than
25% and greater than our capital
China, with a debt-hold of $2.5bn
on Nigeria, is our highest country-creditor.
But while national debt has become a key issue of concern for Nigerians,
our government is not worried, as it
continuously assures us: ‘no cause for alarm’, comparing our debt records with
other debt-harassed countries . The
government is behaving like that pupil who was harassed by his father for coming 51st in a class of 53 and
he retorted; ‘at least I did better than 2 others and they are also peoples’
All this is happening as the IMF just warned that 40% of African
countries are in debt crises; when some countries have had their critical
assets seized by China and when Chinese loans are becoming more toxic and
addictive and encourage acute ‘dependency using opaque
contracts, predatory loan practices, and corrupt deals that mire nations in
debt and undercut their sovereignty, denying them their long-term,
self-sustaining growth’’. I also recall than in January this year, the CBN had
warned the government about external
borrowing even though I don’t know its stand on the current ballooning of our
debt stock.
Why do
Chinese loans hold such attraction to us and why are they so suspiciously generous with these loans
even when repayment capability is being gradually impaired? What is the impact of these and other loans
on our long-term economic growth and what do we do to escape the looming debt
trap. Are we under China-debt stranglehold peonage or are people just crying
wolves? What is Chinese agenda, hidden or open? Questions, questions and more
questions… Later.
Other matters: Kogi;Tears for Mrs Salome Abuh et al
The national elections are almost
over with the incisive judgment on
Atiku’s appeal, which was delivered with automatic alacrity within 24 hours of
the appointment of new supreme court justices. I decided not to make any direct
political commentaries after my analysis of the last presidential elections. But now that the supreme court has ruled, I
believe that the elections are over apart from
a few cases hanging here and there. I will get back to these
election-related matters but certain
things cannot wait and one of them is the superlative performance of our
security forces during the Kogi elections as indicated by the gruesome roasting
of Mrs Abuh by a crowd bloodthirsty
celebratory thugs. The woman who had
earlier been battered was recuperating when the jubilant crowd set her house on
fire, ensured that she did not escape and
waited till the house was completely razed.
Just imagine how long this deadly
process would have lasted! Many others were also sacrificed on the altar of
inordinate quest for political control. The police had deployed 35000 personnel
for Kogi, including Police Mobile Force, Special Protection Unit and Counter-terrorism
Unit and other security outfits. I learnt that customs officers were included,
probably to ensure that nobody was compromising voters with foreign rice. Where were these security men, who had been
doing a ‘show of force’ around town, when this gruesome act was being
perpetrated? Sadly, our dear IGP told us that this intimidating, force supported
by helicopters and attack dogs was overpowered by “fake policemen’. How could
he openly say that? Anyway, during the Rivers governorship elections, there
were fake APCs, fake police dogs and fake police guns! Yes, PMB had ordered an investigation. So,
without a presidential order, the police were not planning to do anything? I was not in Kogi but I believe the testimony
of Rev. Fr Emehel Executive Director, Justice and Peace
Development Initiative, JDPC, Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, who said that ‘The
election fell short of everything an election should stand for and should be
considered an outright war. The battle was not won with the ballot papers but
by bullets. Bullets exchanged for ballots in many places’
With security men like those
assigned to Kogi (and even Bayelsa), we don’t need no security. However, with the
sterling performance of thugs, starting with the show of shame at Okota, I move
and it is hereby moved that our police force be disbanded and a new one
constituted, made up of tested and trusted THUGS. Since it takes a thief to
catch a thief and since the thugs have always overwhelmed the security forces,
we cannot have any better security outfit. The new force, by whatever name,
should be headed by the Thug-in-chief from Lagos!
Ik Muo, PhD. Department of Business Administration, OOU, Ago-Iwoye.
Indeed TILL DEBTS DO US PART!!!!!!!! I wonder when we will finish the debt with China, will it be in this our GENERATION, I doubt and most of these debts are not properly assessed and monitored and the Chinese are cashing on it to keep multiplying the DEBT!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteReplacing our SECURITY APPARATUS with THUGS and having THUG-IN-CHIEF in place of IGP???????????. Wahala deeeeyyyoooohhhh!!!!!. Hausa don enter Awka be that!!!!!!!!!. In God We Trust!!!!!!!